APA PsycInfo (including PsycArticles)

APA PsycInfo (including PsycArticles)
PsycInfo (including PsycArticles)

APA PsycInfo is an index of scholarly literature in behavioral sciences and mental health fields. It is relevant to the study of psychology and related fields, such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work. It indexes book chapters, books, dissertations, technical reports, and articles from over 2,000 journals. It also includes the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms. By default, the database attempts to map your search terms to subject headings. To run a normal keyword search, deselect “Map Term to Subject Heading” before clicking “Search.”

APA PsycInfo is the electronic counterpart and continuation of the print publication Psychological Abstracts. It also includes indexing of Psychological Bulletin (1921–1926), American Journal of Psychology (1887–1966), English-language journals from Psychological Index (1894-1935), books from Classic Books in Psychology of the 20th Century, books from the Harvard Book List, 1840-1971, and most APA journals back to their first dates of publication.

APA PsycInfo contains citations, indexing, and abstracts; it does not contain full articles. “Get It @ R” links will take you to full-text articles in APA PsycArticles and other Rutgers sources. APA PsycArticles is a database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association, and the Hogrefe Publishing Group.

Dates covered

1587-present, but primarily 1880s-present

Resource types