Sibu Congkan

Sibu Congkan
Connection note
  1. One the first page, in the first center paragraph, click on the link Please “click here".
  2. To log in, on the database homepage click on the "Denglu" button on the upper left-hand corner (there is no password to put in).
  3. Additional fonts are required for displaying classical Chinese characters and can be downloaded from the database homepage.

Rutgers is limited to 2 simultaneous users of this database.


The database contains the full text of Sibu Congkan, an important collection of pre-modern Chinese books. Originally published by Commercial Press in 1919-1936, Sibu Congkan reprinted authoritative editions (often the earliest available editions) of Chinese works in three series, in a total of 504 works and 3134 volumes. The publisher used photolithography in printing, which makes Sibu Congkan superior to the typeset editions from the same period. It is an essential resource for studying pre-modern Chinese literature, history, and culture.

To select texts for copying and pasting, users need to switch from image mode to text mode.

Dates covered

Antiquity to Qing Dynasty.

Resource types
Oriprobe Information Services, Inc. (Canada)