CardioSource Plus

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CardioSource Plus will be unavailable from 5/10-5/20. After 5/20, please use the CardioSource Plus Connection Note instructions to reset your credentials.

CardioSource Plus
Connection note

After the platform update on 5/20/2024, all users will need to reset their personal account passwords using the "recover password" option. Users whose usernames are email addresses will not need to take any additional actions. Users whose usernames are not email addresses will also need to reset their usernames. ACC Member Care will be available to assist with username resets.

A personal account is required to access CardioSource Plus. Current students, faculty, and staff are eligible. First-time users, please select “Create Free Account.” Then select “I have not created an account” and follow the instructions to create a personal account. It may take a few minutes for the process to complete. After creating your account, you may use it to log into CardioSource Plus from any location.



CardioSource Plus is a collection of educational resources produced by the American College of Cardiology (ACC). It includes 3 types of resources:

  • Self-Assessment /Board Prep Programs (SAPs)
  • Meetings on Demand (MODs)
  • Cardiac Auscultation audio tracks (Heart Songs)

These resources cover a wide range of areas within cardiology, including general cardiology, adult congenital heart disease, heart failure, interventional cardiology, echocardiography, and nuclear cardiology. They include self-assessment questions and audio files you can use to test your knowledge.

Rutgers University Libraries’ subscription to CardioSource Plus does not include the Collaborative Maintenance Pathway (CMP), nor does it include any other ACC content.

Dates covered

Current information
