1980s Culture and Society
Digitized primary sources illustrating 1980s social, cultural, and political concerns.
About 1980s Culture and SocietyAll The World's Primates is experiencing off-campus access problems.
Some resources hosted by U.S. federal government agencies are unavailable due to executive orders.
Digitized primary sources illustrating 1980s social, cultural, and political concerns.
About 1980s Culture and SocietyCollection of books and images documenting the history of art, architecture, photography, and design.
About A&AePortalAbstracts of anthropological scholarship and related subfields, including cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics.
About Abstracts in AnthropologyA multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
About Academic Search PremierVideos in a broad range of subject areas from over 1,500 leading distributors, producers, and filmmakers.
About Academic Video Online (AVON)Thousands of North American and international newspapers, plus hundreds of wire services and broadcast news transcripts.
About Access World NewsA collection of medical reference books, videos, case files, and study tools.
About AccessMedicinePharmacy textbooks, case studies, drug reference, calculators, and more.
About AccessPharmacyA searchable comprehensive database of accounting and auditing information, including standards and regulations.
About Accounting Research ManagerEbooks across the entire range of the humanities.
About ACLS Humanities EBookACM periodicals and proceedings covering fields related to computing.
About ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital LibraryEbooks on agricultural and food chemistry, cellulose and renewable materials, chemical education, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials, and more.
About ACS (American Chemical Society) Symposium Series eBooksDigitized primary sources documenting European colonization across Africa.
About Africa and the New Imperialism: European Borders on the African Continent, 1870-1914Platform for discovering African historical and cultural materials held by organizations around the world.
About Africa CommonsNews stories, scholarly articles, books, reports, and theses on Africa and South Africa.
About Africa-Wide InformationPamphlets, letters, newspapers, and oral histories documenting life in major African American communities since the early 19th century.
About African American CommunitiesDigitized newspapers from over 35 U.S. states published by and for African Americans.
About African American Newspapers, Series 1 (Readex)Key texts in modern African literature, including fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction.
About African Writers SeriesDigitized primary sources depicting key events in European maritime exploration from 1410-1920.
About Age of ExplorationResearch covering all aspects of agriculture and related sciences.
About AgricolaScholarship in the agricultural sciences from 1970 to present.
About Agricultural Science Collection (ProQuest)(Open Access) Research on the biomedical and psychosocial aspects of alcohol and drug use.
About Alcohol Studies DatabaseA comprehensive resource for information about all the species and subspecies of living lorises, galagos, lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, and apes.
About All the World's Primates(Open Access) Search tool that retrieves PubMed citations on alternatives to the use of live vertebrates in biomedical research and testing.
About ALTBIB - Alternatives to Animal TestingInternational journals, magazines, and newspapers offering an alternative, radical, or left perspective.
About Alternative Press IndexSearches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM ExplorerVideos, essays, case studies, and practice sources which introduce the key methods and approaches that scholars take when working with historical materials.
About AM Research SkillsSearches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM SearchDigitized primary sources illustrating United States military and civilian involvement in WWII.
About America in World War TwoScholarship on United States and Canadian history from prehistoric times to the present.
About America: History & LifeDigitized 18th and 19th century American periodicals.
About American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals CollectionMemoirs, diaries, and collections of letters written by private soldiers, generals, politicians, and civilians.
About American Civil War: Letters and DiariesAmerican Committee on Africa is a collection of digitized primary source materials docum
About American Committee on AfricaA comprehensive national filmography documenting American films from 1893 through the 21st century.
About American Film Institute CatalogCommercial and governmental newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage, and important documentaries.
About American History in VideoDigitized primary sources depicting the history of the United States of America from the earliest settlers to World War II.
About American History, 1493-1945Collection of over 1,100 digitized American magazines and journals originally published between 1741 and 1940.
About American PeriodicalsA selection of authoritative textbooks from the American Pharmacists Association, plus an interactive NAPLEX review, case studies, and articles.
About American Pharmacists Association Pharmacy Library (APhA Pharmacy Library)(Open Access) Collection of digitized newspapers originally published in United States prisons.
About American Prison Newspapers, 1800-Present: Voices from the InsideEvery legislative and executive document of the first 14 U.S. Congresses, 1789-1838, plus additional materials such as speeches and messages of Presidents.
About American State Papers, 1789-1838Digitized primary sources depicting the history of westward expansion in the United States from the early 18th to the mid-20th centuries.
About American WestDigitized collection of over 1,500 American newspapers published between 1741 and 1922.
About America's Historical Newspapers: Early American Newspapers, Series 2-7, 1741-1922(Open Access) Images of works of art held in museums spanning the history of Western and non-Western art.
About AMICA Library (Art Museum Images from Cartography Associates)Digitized records of Amnesty International from 1961-1991.
About Amnesty International Archives: A Global Movement for Human RightsDatabase for classical studies and information on Ancient Greece and Rome.
About L'Année PhilologiqueCritical reviews of primary research in the biomedical, life, physical, and social sciences.
About Annual ReviewsJournal articles, reports, and commentaries in the fields of anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, and material culture.
About Anthropology PlusA collection of all past and current publications of the American Anthropological Association, including journals, newsletters, bulletins, and conference proceedings.
About AnthroSourceAbstracts and citations to scholarly literature in the behavioral sciences, psychology, and mental health, primarily dating from 1880s to present.
About APA PsycInfo (including PsycArticles)Digitized British government files from the Foreign, Colonial, Dominion and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices documenting the apartheid era.
About Apartheid South Africa: 1948-1988Scholarship in the fields of economics, education, health, politics, psychology, race relations, social services, and sociology.
About Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA)Research on cultivating marine, freshwater, and brackish water species and the planned management of aquatic organisms.
About Aquaculture Abstracts (ASFA)Covers trade, technical, and scientific literature concerning all aspects of water resources.
About AqualineCovers research and policy on the contamination of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and estuaries.
About Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality (ASFA 3)Databases of scholarship on art history, archaeology, and the ancient world.
About Archäologische Bibliographie(Open Access) A centralized tool for discovering archival materials held by over 1,000 libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies worldwide.
About ArchiveGridThe Federal Bureau of Investigation's previously classified files on prominent radicals and radical organizations from 1956 to 1971.
About Archives Unbound: Federal Response to Radicalism in the 1960sThe Federal Bureau of Investigation's previously classified files on prominent African Americans and African-American organizations.
About Archives Unbound: Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984Primary sources documenting, from a Western perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of China from the 18th through 20th centuries.
About Area Studies: China and Southeast AsiaDigitized primary sources documenting, primarily from a British colonial perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of India from 1712 to 1942.
About Area Studies: IndiaPrimary sources documenting, from a Western perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of Japan from the 1400s to the 20th century.
About Area Studies: JapanElectronic version of the Aristoteles Latinus series, plus additional Latin translations used in the Middle Ages for the study of Aristotle.
About Aristoteles Latinus Database (ALD)Collection of books and images documenting the history of art, architecture, photography, and design.
About Art & Architecture ePortalIndexes articles in the fields of art history, architectural history, and the visual arts from 1929 through 1984.
About Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson)Information about modern and contemporary art, including scholarship, exhibition information, and more.
About ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)Useful for the study of French language and literature.
About ARTFL Project: American and French Research on the Treasury of the French LanguageA digital image library in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.
About Artstor(Open Access) Free online archive of preprint and postprint manuscripts in physics, mathematics, computer science, and quantitative biology.
About arXiv.orgReports, working paper series, and journals covering business, economic, government, political, and social issues related to the nations of Asia-Pacific.
About Asia-Studies Full-Text OnlineNarrative films, documentaries, and short films by independent Asian filmmakers depicting contemporary Asian culture and society.
About Asian Film OnlineJournals and annual publications from the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST).
About ASIS&T Digital LibraryASME and ASTM journals and books in many engineering disciplines.
About ASME Digital CollectionCollection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information.
About ASTM Compass(Open Access) Free online archive of preprint and postprint manuscripts in astronomy and astrophysics.
About Astrophysics Data System (ADS)Index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion written from the 19th century to the present.
About Atla Religion DatabaseIndex of journal articles on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design, landscape architecture, and historic preservation.
About Avery Index to Architectural PeriodicalsPublications of the Biblical Archaeology Society, which cover ancient Israel and other lands and peoples portrayed in the books of the Bible.
About BAS LibraryA video series demonstrating head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques.
About Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination(Open Access) Digitized primary sources focusing on civil rights activism.
About Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights MovementsEnglish Bible translations primarily dating from the Medieval and Renaissance periods.
About The Bible in EnglishA comprehensive bibliography and index of publications on German language and literary studies.
About Bibliographie der Deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (BDSL)A major multi-disciplinary index for the study of East, Southeast, and South Asia, especially in the humanities and social sciences.
About Bibliography of Asian Studies(Open Access) A comprehensive bibliography of scholarly writing about the history of Western art from late antiquity to 2007.
About Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and Répertoire de la Litterature de l'Art (RILA)(Open Access) Search tool that retrieves PubMed citations on alternatives to the use of live vertebrates in biomedical research and testing.
About Bibliography on Alternatives to Animal Testing(Open Access) The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA)'s Open Access ebooks platform.
About Big Ten Open BooksIncludes biographical information on persons from Europe and the Middle East prominent in politics, literature, religion, art, and other fields during the Medieval period.
About Biographical Archive of the Middle AgesContains scholarship on a wide range of topics in biological sciences, including biomedicine, biotechnology, ecology, zoology, and aspects of agriculture and veterinary science.
About Biological Science Collection (ProQuest)Covers basic and applied research on aquatic organisms, including marine, freshwater, and brackish water organisms and their environments.
About Biological Sciences and Living Resources (ASFA 1)(Open Access) Contains peer-reviewed open access research in biomedical sciences and a broad range of scientific areas.
About BioMed Central (BMC)A collection of peer-reviewed journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by various small scientific societies and nonprofit publishers.
About BioOne Complete(Open Access) Free online archive of unpublished preprint manuscripts in the life sciences.
About bioRxivA comprehensive index to life science and biomedical research.
About BIOSIS PreviewsIndex of international research on all aspects of biochemical, medical, and microbial technology.
About Biotechnology Research AbstractsPlays written from the mid-1800s to the 21st century by playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries.
About Black DramaNon-fiction writing by leading figures in African American life and culture, including Frederick Douglas, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida Wells, A. Phillip Randolph, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesse Jackson, and hundreds of others.
About Black Thought and CultureFiction, poetry, and essays written by black women authors from Africa, America, and the diaspora.
About Black Women WritersEbook and image collections covering culture throughout the ages from antiquity to modernity.
About Bloomsbury Cultural HistorySpecialty board review resources for use by physicians, nurses, medical students, and other healthcare professionals to study for various medical, nursing, and dental board licensing examinations.
About BoardVitalsCollection of medical, nursing, and pharmacy texts from a variety of publishers.
About Books@OvidIncludes significant reference works in medieval studies, including Brill's Encyclopaedia of the Middle Ages.
About Brill’s Medieval Reference LibraryConsists of more than 400 years' worth of personal writings by women of Britain and Ireland.
About British and Irish Women's Letters and DiariesDigitized historical newspapers originally published in the United Kingdom during the 19th century.
About British Library NewspapersDigitized silent newsreels covering British and international news.
About British Newsreels, 1911-1930: Culture and Society on FilmPeriodicals published from the 17th through the early 21st centuries, but primarily during the 19th century, that broadly cover humanities disciplines.
About British PeriodicalsDigitized primary sources that document the history of RCA and radio and TV broadcasting.
About Broadcasting America: The Rise of Mass Media and Communications17th and 18th century British newspapers, newsbooks, pamphlets, and broadsides.
About Burney Collection NewspapersCovers business and management topics, including accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade, marketing, and public administration.
About Business Source PremierDigitized primary sources from Britain and America covering 19th and 20th century topics, including papers of major economists and documentation of Keynesian economics in Britain.
About Business, Economic and Labour HistoryThe most comprehensive index of English language books, periodical and newspaper articles, government publications, and archival materials printed in the 19th century.
About C19: The Nineteenth Century IndexCovers the applied life sciences including agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, applied economics, food science and nutrition.
About CAB Abstracts(Open Access) Complete writings of Ben Jonson accompanied by commentary, essays, scores, performance information, and archival materials.
About The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson OnlineBooks in the Cambridge Histories series on subjects ranging across the humanities, social sciences, and the arts.
About Cambridge HistoriesA repository of highly curated small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures, which may be viewed in 3-D.
About Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)(Open Access) Selected citations to journal articles, books, and newspaper articles about the city of Camden, New Jersey.
About CamdenBaseEducational resources produced by the American College of Cardiology (ACC), including self-assessment and test preparation activities.
About CardioSource PlusCollection of Caribbean poetry and fiction published during the 19th and 20th centuries.
About Caribbean LiteratureIndex of worldwide chemistry literature accompanied by chemical structures, reactions, suppliers, biosequences, and retrosynthetic analyses. Registration required.
About CAS SciFinder-n(Open Access) Catalog of publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. federal government.
About Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)(Open Access) A freely accessible website for querying public health data sets.
About CDC WONDER (Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research)(Open Access) Database of women elected officials in the United States searchable by year, position, level of office, state, party, and officeholder race and ethnicity.
About Center for American Women in Politics (CAWP) Women Elected Officials DatabaseDigitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding Central Asia, Persia, and Afghanistan.
About Central Asia, Persia & Afghanistan, 1834-1922(Open Access) A collection of chemical disaster preparedness resources.
About CHEMM: Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical ManagementDigitized collection of every issue of the Chicago Defender published from 1910 to 1975. The Chicago Defender was the most influential African-American newspaper of the 20th century.
About Chicago Defender (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Digitized collection of children's literature from the 1820s to 1920s.
About Children’s Literature and CultureA collection of Chinese scholarly journals. Rutgers can access the journals in the areas of literature, history, and philosophy.
About China Academic JournalsOfficial statistics on the population and economy of China.
About China Data OnlineDigitized primary sources depicting, from a primarily Western perspective, trade and cultural exchange with China from the 18th through the 20th centuries.
About China, America and the Pacific: Trade & Cultural ExchangeDigitized English-language pamphlets dating from 1750-1929 depicting, from a primarily Western perspective, the history and culture of China.
About China: Culture and SocietyDigitized primary sources depicting, from a primarily Western perspective, trade and cultural exchange with China from the 18th through the 20th centuries.
About China: Trade, Politics & Culture(Open Access) Digitized collection of historical U.S. newspapers from 1789 to 1963.
About Chronicling America: Historic American NewspapersDigitized records of the Church Missionary Society and related organizations.
About Church Missionary Society ArchiveDigitized collection of periodicals and other documents produced by the Church Missionary Society, a major Protestant mission organization, from 1804-2009.
About Church Missionary Society PeriodicalsNursing and allied health journals.
About CINAHL with Full TextDigitized scores encompassing all major classical musical genres and time periods from the Middle Ages to the 21st century.
About Classical Scores LibraryInformation for clinical health care providers via an aggregated content service offering over 500 journals, 1,000 e-books, and 9,000 medical and procedural videos.
About ClinicalKey(Open Access) Information on publicly and privately supported clinical studies on a wide range of diseases and conditions.
About ClinicalTrials.govA collection of evidence-based clinical information for healthcare providers.
About Cochrane LibraryDigitized collection of the materials on North American colonies held in the Colonial Office files at The National Archives of the United Kingdom in London.
About Colonial AmericaDigitized files from the British Colonial Office regarding the Caribbean.
About Colonial CaribbeanAbstracts of articles and books published in the professional literature of the communication field.
About ComAbstractsArticles in the fields of communication and mass media dating from 1900 to the present.
About Communication & Mass Media CompleteJournals, conference proceedings, and technical reports covering all aspects of engineering.
About CompendexCritical reviews by computing experts of books and papers in the computing field.
About Computing ReviewsAnalytical reports on topics and issues in business management and U.S. and global economics.
About Conference Board Research CollectionDigitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about Africa. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966Digitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about Latin America. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969Digitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about the Middle East. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969Digitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about North America. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: North America, 1824-1961Digitized files of the British Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) regarding Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
About Conflict in Indochina: Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1959-1979(Open Access) The official website for U.S. federal legislative information.
About Congress.govContains more than 800 French literary works, narratives, poems, and plays from the 9th through the 15th centuries.
About Corpus de la Littérature MédiévaleContains more than 1,000 French narrative works that date from the Middle Ages (Moyen Âge) to the 20th century.
About Corpus de la littérature narrative du Moyen Age au 20e siècleCollection of videos for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
About Counseling and Therapy in Video, Volumes I and IIDigitized collection of the Courier Post from 1881 to present (with some gaps). The Courier Post covers Camden and South Jersey.
About Courier Post (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)A tool for creating and collaborating on systematic reviews.
About CovidenceReports on the people, elections, and legislation in the U.S. Congress from 1945-2020 with accounts of every major piece of legislation considered during a congressional session.
About CQ AlmanacResearch reports focusing on recent news topics and issues of broad interest in public policy, plus historical reports dating back to 1923.
About CQ ResearcherCovers research in the areas of criminal justice, criminology, and related disciplines.
About Criminal Justice AbstractsScholarship and research in all aspects of crime, justice, law enforcement, and security.
About Criminology Collection (ProQuest)Contains indexing, tables of contents, and abstracts for over 10,000 current scholarly journals.
About Current Contents ConnectIndex of scholarship and research in dance education from 1926 to the present.
About Dance Education Literature and Research Descriptive Index (DELRdi)Videos of dance productions and documentaries by the most influential performers and companies of the 20th and 21st centuries.
About Dance in VideoIndex of over 13,000 works from the orchestral repertoire by more than 2,000 composers.
About Daniels' Orchestral Music OnlineDetailed information on millions of U.S. businesses and employers.
About Data Axle Reference SolutionsData studies and data sets from over 300 data repositories worldwide, connected to scholarship published in journals, books, and conference proceedings.
About Data Citation Index(Open Access) An index of systematic reviews, dating from 1994-2015, that evaluate the effects of health and social care interventions.
About Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)Searches across over twenty dictionaries of the Latin language (including Latin-English and Latin-French dictionaries) for ancient, medieval, or modern Latin and for selected subjects.
About Database of Latin DictionariesCD-quality audio, complete liner notes, and essays for digitized albums of American music. Includes the full catalog of the New World Records and Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI) labels.
About Database of Recorded American Music (DRAM)Digitized primary sources depicting gender in British history, literature, society, and culture from 1450-1910.
About Defining GenderCovers over 14 million basic inventions and 80 million patent documents drawn from over 50 patent-issuing authorities worldwide.
About Derwent Innovations IndexClassic source for biographical information on the United Kingdom and the British Empire. Typical entries include a brief bibliography and relevant archival sources.
About Dictionary of National BiographyDictionary of the English language as used from 600-1150 A.D.
About Dictionary of Old EnglishContains at least one copy of every surviving Old English text.
About Dictionary of Old English Web CorpusThe electronic version of the essential reference for medieval French language and lexicography, originally published between 1880 and 1902.
About Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Langue Française (IXe - Xve Siècle) de Frédéric Godefroy(Open Access) Information from the labels of dietary supplement products sold in the United States.
About Dietary Supplement Label DatabaseCollection of 1237 large-scale maps of 265 New Jersey cities dating from 1884 through the early 1950s.
About Digital Sanborn Maps: New Jersey(Open Access) Image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts.
About Digital ScriptoriumMajor works by 34 German authors from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century, supplemented by historical, philosophical, theological, political, and art history texts.
About Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher KlassikerScreenplays, biographies, and works of criticism published by Ocho y Medio, primarily in Spanish.
About Digitalia Ocho y Medio Cinema Studies CollectionOver 700 scholarly journals published in Germany or neighboring countries in German, English, or other European languages.
About DigiZeitschriften(Open Access) Directory of high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals in all scholarly disciplines.
About DOAJ: Directory of Open Access JournalsDigitized collection of Ku Klux Klan and Anti-Klan newspapers published during the 1920s. These sources document white nationalism in America and the work of those who opposed the Klan's violence and bigotry.
About Documenting White Supremacy and Its Opponents in the 1920sA collection of documentary films focusing on contemporary issues in a variety of disciplines, including environmental sciences, political and social sciences, history, health, psychology, and more.
About Docuseek2 Complete Collection, Second EditionDatabases of scholarship on art history, archaeology, and the ancient world.
About DyabolaClinical reference tool integrating evidence-based medicine with practical information for clinical practice on more than 3,200 clinical topics.
About DynaMed(Open Access) Historical public opinion polls on major policy concerns, key state issues, and political races of interest to New Jersey citizens.
About Eagleton Poll ArchiveDigitized collection of nearly every book, pamphlet, and broadside published in the American colonies or the United States between 1639 and 1800.
About Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800Digitized collection that includes virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America from 1473-1700.
About Early English Books OnlineStructured SGML/XML text editions for a significant portion of works in the Early English Books Online collection.
About Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP)Digitized primary sources illustrating everyday life in 16th and 17th-century England.
About Early Modern EnglandScholarship in earth, atmospheric, and aquatic sciences from 1950 to present.
About Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collection (ProQuest)Digitized archives of the London administration of the East India Company and the pre-1947 government of India.
About East India CompanyLarge collection of ebooks representing a broad range of academic subjects.
About eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)A multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
About EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier)An index of more than 1,000 international economic journals.
About EconLitDigitized collection of every issue of The Economist published from 1843 to 2015.
About The Economist Historical ArchiveData and analysis related to the commercial and financial operations of 68 countries.
About The Economist Intelligence UnitScholarship and research in the field of education
About Education Collection (ProQuest)Contains ethnographic collections covering all aspects of cultural and social life from all regions of the world.
About eHRAF World Cultures (Human Relations Area Files)A nearly comprehensive collection of the works published in the English language during the eighteenth century.
About Eighteenth Century Collections OnlineA collection of digitized play manuscripts, including nearly every play submitted for license in the U.K. from 1737-1824.
About Eighteenth Century DramaA collection of digitized unique and rare periodicals representing the wide thematic and geographic range of English language print culture in the 18th century.
About Eighteenth Century JournalsOver 70,000 letters and documents of British, American, French, German, and other Enlightenment figures.
About Electronic EnlightenmentGlobal biomedical and pharmacological research database.
About EmbaseDigitized primary sources on the history of empires and empire building in the modern era, with primary emphasis on the British Empire. There are also materials on American imperialism.
About Empire OnlineDigitized primary sources documenting the British Empire and colonialism.
About Empire StudiesA reference source with articles covering all aspects of social work and practice, biographies of key figures in social work history, and references and links to social work resources.
About Encyclopedia of Social Work(Open Access) Catalog of books, serials, pamphlets, & ephemeral materials printed from 1473 through 1800, including material printed within the British Empire as well as English-language material printed outside the British Empire.
About English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC)Digitized magazines focused on 20th and 21st century music genres such as rock, folk, hip-hop, and rap.
About Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive(Open Access) Cross-search over 30 National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases.
About EntrezScholarship on all aspects of the impact of people and technology on the environment.
About Environment AbstractsScholarship in the environmental sciences, including relevant research from the fields of atmospheric science, bacteriology, biology, biotechnology, ecology, and engineering.
About Environmental Science Collection (ProQuest)Citations and abstracts for journal articles, books, research papers, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, dissertations, theses, and other materials in the field of education.
About ERIC - Education Resources Information Center(Open Access) The European Patent Office’s public search tool for patent information
About EspacenetNewspapers, magazines, and journals published by ethnic, minority, and native presses. Includes publications in English and Spanish.
About Ethnic NewsWatchEthnographic videos from many regions of the world.
About Ethnographic Video OnlineExtensive information about the world’s 7000 living languages, which can be browsed by country, language name, and language family.
About Ethnologue: Languages of the WorldDigitized field recordings and accompanying materials from around the world.
About Ethnomusicology: Global Field RecordingsDirectory of over 40,000 global institutions of higher education and learning.
About Europa World of LearningDigitized primary sources depicting women's roles in American social, cultural, and political history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
About Everyday Life and Women in AmericaDigital archive of ethnographic field videos.
About EVIA Digital Archive: Ethnographic Video for Instruction & AnalysisUndergraduate-focused database on race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness in U.S. society in the 20th and 21st centuries.
About Exploring Race in SocietyMajor national and regional newspapers, magazines, and other publications, plus company/market information.
About FactivaDrug information for pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals.
About Facts and ComparisonsAn index of research, policy, and practice literature in the fields of family science, human ecology, human development, and social welfare.
About Family and Society Studies WorldwideLegal research database containing case law, statutes, regulations, court rules, law review articles, and more.
About FastcaseScholarly articles and industry news on topics related to film and television.
About Film & Television Literature IndexDocumentary films covering a wide range of academic topics, including history, technology, culture, and current events.
About Filmakers Library OnlineCollection of historical and current financial and economic data covering more than 150 different countries.
About FinaeonDigitized primary sources produced by soldiers, civilians, and governments on both sides of the conflict and in multiple theatres of war.
About The First World WarAn online reference of hundreds of employers and available jobs.
About FirsthandA shared catalog of library collections worldwide.
About FirstSearchDigitized primary sources documenting food and drink in global history.
About Food and Drink in HistoryDigitized files from the British Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) regarding China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
About Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980Digitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
About Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980Digitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding Japan.
About Foreign Office Files for Japan, 1919 -1952Digitized files from the National Archives of the United Kingdom regarding Southeast Asia.
About Foreign Office Files for Southeast Asia, 1963-1980Digitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding the Middle East.
About Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981Information on more than 100,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grant-making public charities in the U.S.
About Foundation DirectoryDigitized primary sources documenting European migration to and colonization of Africa, Australasia, and North America.
About Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial EncountersDigital scholarship tool for analyzing documents from Gale primary source collections.
About Gale Digital Scholar LabCollection of reference works covering a wide range of academic subjects.
About Gale eBooksBiographies, bibliographies, and critical analysis of authors and their works from every age and literary discipline.
About Gale Literature Resource CenterBrief biographies of authors from the United States and the rest of the world.
About Gale Literature: Contemporary AuthorsPractice materials for a wide variety of tests ranging from high school through graduate level.
About Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career PrepComprehensive online encyclopedia devoted to the study of music from around the world.
About Garland Encyclopedia of World MusicDigitized primary sources depicting gender history, women’s suffrage, the feminist movement, and the men’s movement.
About Gender: Identity and Social ChangeGenderWatch is an index of scholarly literature and popular publications that show how gender impacts a wide range of subject areas.
About GenderWatch(Open Access) Database of information about genes, including nomenclature, Reference Sequences (RefSeqs), maps, pathways, variations, and phenotypes.
About GeneCovers the geology of North America from 1693 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present.
About GeoRefContains information about literature (primarily non-English) that is in the process of being indexed into the GeoRef database.
About GeoRef In ProcessMaterials for research in the geological and Earth sciences.
About GeoScienceWorldA digitized collection of materials documenting feminist thought and women’s rights movements around the world.
About Gerritsen Women's History Collection of Aletta H. JacobsInfectious disease, epidemiology, and microbiology information.
About GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network)Digitized primary sources documenting United States culture, industry, and politics during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
About The Gilded Age and Progressive EraCollection of primary source materials exploring the history of key global commodities and ways they have changed the world.
About Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration & Cultural ExchangeCollection of historical and current financial and economic data covering more than 150 different countries.
About Global Financial DataDigitized historical news sources from around the world.
About Global Press Archive(Open Access) Searches across a wide range of scholarly literature from academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and other scholarly websites.
About Google Scholar(Open Access) Official publications of the U.S. Federal Government.
About govinfoDigitized primary sources documenting British travel to the European continent from the 16th through the 19th centuries.
About The Grand TourBrowse previously awarded grants from public and private funding agencies around the world.
About Grants Index (Web of Science)Research covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.
About GreenFILECollection of art reference works, including Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms.
About Grove Art OnlineCollection of music reference works, including Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, and The Oxford Dictionary of Music.
About Grove Music Online(Open Access) A bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars.
About Handbook of Latin American StudiesCollection of traditional Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history.
About Hanji dianzi wenxian(Open Access) A collection of books, consisting mostly of works in the public domain, digitized by libraries around the world.
About HathiTrust Digital Library(Open Access) Resources that provide health information and support healthcare decision making, including consumer health brochures, clinical practice guidelines, and evidence reports.
About Health Services / Technology Assessment Texts (HSTAT)Legal research collection featuring laws and regulations, case law, treaties and agreements, scholarly legal and criminal justice periodicals, and related materials.
About HeinOnline(Open Access) Videos of theater and performance art productions throughout the Americas.
About Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library (HIDVL)Genealogical database with government records, census data, and auxiliary resources for family history research.
About HeritageQuestVideo interviews, on-set footage, photographs, and film posters documenting the history of Bollywood cinema.
About Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-makingArticles, book reviews, essays, and other materials published in the United States and Latin America in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
About Hispanic-American Periodicals IndexCovers the history of the world from 1450 to the present, excluding the United States and Canada.
About Historical AbstractsData on all aspects of American history through the year 2000, including population, labor, economics, governance, and international relations.
About Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial EditionDigitized historical and cultural materials from the United States, including African American newspapers, New Jersey county histories, American women's publications, and early newspapers such as the Pennsylvania Gazette.
About History CommonsAn index of scholarship on the history of a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biological science, computer and information sciences, engineering, geography, mathematics, medicine, neurosciences, pharmacy, physics, psychiatry, public health, and technology.
About History of Science, Technology, and MedicineA collection of video oral history interviews with African Americans who have made significant contributions in a wide variety of fields.
About HistoryMakers(Open Access) Information on on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research.
About HIVinfo.nih.govResearch in the area of Homeland Security, including borders and immigration, emergency management, intelligence, weapons, and terrorism.
About Homeland Security Digital LibraryInformation about known (published) gene lesions responsible for human inherited diseases.
About Human Gene Mutation DatabaseCitations to articles covering a wide range of humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary fields.
About Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)Citations to research in the humanities published from 1907 to 1984.
About Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)U.S. industry reports providing data on rates of growth, major competitors, and market trends.
About IBISWorldA repository of social science data with datasets of many major government studies in their entirety, along with polls and surveys conducted by organizations and individual researchers.
About ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research)Literature in electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, information science, materials science, physical sciences, and biomedical engineering.
About IEEE XploreEbooks on topics in computer science, artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology, and electrical engineering.
About IEEE Xplore MIT Press eBooks LibraryEbooks on computing and information science published from 2000 to 2010 as well as various books published in subsequent years.
About IGI Global(Open Access) International Monetary Fund periodicals, books, working papers and studies, as well as data and statistical tools.
About IMF eLibraryBenchmarking & analytics tool that combines data from Web of Science, Essential Science Indicators, Journal Citation Reports and Institutional Profiles.
About InCites(Open Access) Alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals published in the United States in the latter half of the 20th century, mostly the 1960s and 1970s.
About Independent Voices(Open Access) Archive of early Christian and Medieval art, featuring an index of iconographic themes and many images.
About The Index of Medieval ArtArt journals published in the U.S. during the 19th century.
About Index to 19th-Century American Art PeriodicalsResource for finding individual pieces of music printed in standard scholarly editions.
About Index to Printed MusicPrimary source materials focusing on the history of India from a British colonial perspective.
About India, Raj and EmpireDigitized primary sources from the 17th to mid-20th century depicting the histories of Indigenous Peoples in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
About Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North AmericaDigitized newspapers originally published by Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Canada dating from 1828 to 2016.
About Indigenous Newspapers in North AmericaEbooks on computing and information science published from 2000 to 2010 as well as various books published in subsequent years.
About InfoSci-Books(Open Access) Free online archive of preprints, articles, and technical reports in high energy physics.
About INSPIREInteractive website that expands upon Josef Albers's classic art education work.
About Interaction of Color Complete Digital EditionIndex of social sciences scholarship, primarily focusing on anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology.
About International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)Index of scholarship on all subjects relating to the Middle Ages (400-1500 AD) in the geographical areas of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
About International Medieval BibliographyWorldwide pharmacology, pharmacy, and health-related research from 1970 to the present.
About International Pharmaceutical AbstractsDigitized periodicals published in the United States, Britain, and Australia between the World Wars.
About Interwar CultureIPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcriptions and literal translations of art songs and arias originally in Latin, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
About IPA SourceIndex of secondary sources on the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
About Iter BibliographyA collection of materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700).
About Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages & RenaissanceDigitized advertisements, client files, and other primary sources originally produced by J. Walter Thompson, a major American advertising agency.
About J. Walter Thompson: Advertising AmericaDigital editions of fragments and testimonia of Greek historians and other authors from antiquity, accompanied by commentaries.
About Jacoby OnlineA platform to help clinicians make evidence-based healthcare decisions. It contains textbooks, tools, and forms useful to the critical appraisal process.
About JAMAevidenceThe most comprehensive general jazz discography. Includes information on over 200,000 jazz recording sessions from 1896 to the present.
About The Jazz DiscographyEvidence-based point-of-care resources, including best practice information sheets, evidence summaries, recommended practices, systemic review protocols, and systemic reviews.
About JBI EBP DatabaseNew Jersey's statewide portal to information resources for residents of New Jersey. Some resources are available to New Jersey public library patrons only.
About JerseyClicksDigitized primary sources documenting the history of Jewish communities in America from the 17th-20th centuries.
About Jewish Life in America, c.1654-1954English-language translations of foreign-language monographs, reports, journal and newspaper articles, and radio and television broadcasts from regions throughout the world dating from 1957-1995, with an emphasis on communist and developing countries.
About Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) ReportsA tool for evaluating scholarly impact based on journal citation data.
About Journal Citation ReportsA collection of journals in clinical medicine, behavioral & social sciences, life sciences, nursing, physical sciences, and engineering.
About Journals@OvidScientific research in JoVE journal, an Encyclopedia of Experiments, and JoVE Science Education modules, all in streaming video format.
About JoVEJournals, books, and primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
About JSTORS. Fischer Verlag's critical edition of the works of Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924), including novels, short stories, essays, and diaries published during his lifetime and posthumously.
About Kafkas WerkeStreaming video library that includes documentaries, independent and foreign films, classics, and feature films.
About KanopyA collection academic journals from South Korea, searchable in English or Korean.
About KCI – Korean Journal DatabaseDatabase for intravenous drug information including infusion fluids and solutions.
About King Guide to Parenteral AdmixturesA bio-bibliographical database with entries for more than 880 German-speaking authors active since 1945.
About Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (KLG)Surveys of public opinion in Latin America.
About LAPOP (Latin American Public Opinion Project)Historical newspapers from Latin America and the Caribbean from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
About Latin American NewspapersNovels, short stories, poetry, and drama by Latino authors.
About Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama, and FictionSurveys of public opinion in Latin America.
About LatinobarómetroA wide range of archival material from state, federal, and territorial governments, as well as from various Anglo-American collections and foreign and international jurisdictions.
About Law Library Microform Consortium DigitalLegal news and current awareness tools in a wide variety of law practice areas.
About Law360The complete run of the influential Soviet art journals LEF, published from 1923 to 1925, and Novyi LEF, published from 1927 to 1928.
About LEF Digital ArchiveNews and information from leftist and radical media covering topics such as politics, labor, civil rights, globalization, and the environment.
About Left IndexDigitized primary sources depicting the development of mass tourism from the mid-19th through the 20th century.
About Leisure, Travel and Mass Culture: The History of Mass Tourism(Open Access) Index of patents, scholarship, and biological sequences. Allows users to view citation relationships among them.
About The LensA collection of journals, newspapers, and magazines covering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues.
About LGBTQ+ SourceScholarship and research in all aspects of library & information science.
About Library & Information Science Collection (ProQuest)Articles from key library and information science periodicals covering topics such as cataloging, classification, information retrieval, library management, and preservation.
About Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA)Articles and book reviews from key library and information science periodicals published in the United States and internationally from 1980 to the present.
About Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson)Indexes a wide range of library science journals published from 1905 to 1983.
About Library Literature & Information Science Retrospective: 1905-1983 (H.W. Wilson)Over 11,000 Latin works and diplomatic charters dating from ancient times to the 20th century.
About Library of Latin Texts (LLT)(Open Access) The Library Speakers Consortium contains video author talks with bestselling authors.
About Library Speakers ConsortiumAn index of scholarship in library and information science topics, such as cataloging, classification, bibliometrics, information retrieval, and information management.
About Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)Digitized primary sources documenting Anglo-American sea travel from 1600-1900.
About Life at SeaCovers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
About Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)Scholarship and research in all aspects of the study of language.
About Linguistics Collection (ProQuest)Digitized manuscripts from the Brotherton Library Collection at the University of Leeds.
About Literary Manuscripts: 17th and 18th Century Poetry from University of LeedsDigitized Victorian manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of the New York Public Library.
About Literary Manuscripts: Victorian Manuscripts from the Berg CollectionDigitized primary sources from The Stationers’ Company, which controlled the early British publishing industry.
About Literary Print Culture: The Stationers' Company ArchiveDigitized literary manuscripts, rare printed works, and personal papers of leading British and American literary figures of the 18th and 19th centuries.
About Literary StudiesCollection of over 355,000 literary works, accompanied by a vast library of key criticism and reference resources.
About Literature Online (LION)A wide range of archival material from state, federal, and territorial governments, as well as from various Anglo-American collections and foreign and international jurisdictions.
About LLMC DigitalOver 500 classical Greek and Latin works with page-by-page English translations
About Loeb Classical LibraryDigitized primary sources documenting popular culture in 19th-century London.
About London Low LifeTextbooks on medical science topics, including anatomy, microbiology, pathology, physiology, and more.
About LWW Health Library - Premium Basic Sciences CollectionThe complete Cabinet conclusions (minutes) and memoranda of the government of British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.
About Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963Collection of digitized legal monographs published in Great Britain and the United States from 1800-1926.
About Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926Collection of digitized primary sources in U.S. legal history from 1620-1970.
About Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, 1620-1970Collection of digitized U.S. Supreme Court legal records and briefs from 1832-1978.
About Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978Letters, diaries, and personal writings of American women from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
About Manuscript Women's Letters and DiariesBasic and applied research dealing with the application of molecular biology and genetics of aquatic organisms.
About Marine Biotechnology Abstracts (ASFA)Digitized reports of Ernest Dichter, whose market research firm was employed by major American companies across a variety of industries.
About Market Research and American Business Reports, 1935-1965In-depth business analysis of companies, industries, and countries around the world.
About MarketLineInvestment database produced by CFRA, an independent financial intelligence service.
About MarketScope AdvisorBrief biographical information in directory format.
About Marquis Biographies OnlineDigitized archive of Mass-Observation, a U.K. social research organization that documented the actions of ordinary Britons in everyday life from 1937 through the mid-1960s.
About Mass Observation OnlineDigitized archive of the Mass Observation Project, a public opinion survey program conducted by the University of Sussex, dating from 1981-2009.
About Mass Observation ProjectComprehensive resource for international literature in mathematics and statistics.
About MathSciNetContains the major reference works Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law.
About Max Planck Encyclopedias of International LawCritical appraisals of new drugs and comparative reviews of older drugs.
About The Medical LetterDigitized primary sources documenting medical history during times of armed conflict dating from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century.
About Medical Services and WarfareDigitized manuscripts dating from the 12th to early 18th centuries.
About Medieval and Early Modern StudiesThe collected papers of five major families from the late medieval England period: Paston, Stonor, Cely, Plumpton, and Armburgh.
About Medieval Family LifePrimary source material describing real and fictitious travel in the Middle Ages.
About Medieval Travel WritingThe premier source for literature in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and allied health, dating from 1946 to present with some earlier content. EBSCOhost version.
About MEDLINE (EBSCOhost)The premier source for literature in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and allied health, dating from 1946 to present with some earlier content.. Ovid version.
About MEDLINE (Ovid)Digitized primary sources from the Edward Sylvester Morse Collection at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts. Morse, who taught science at the University of Tokyo in the late 19th century, was one of the first Americans to live in Japan, and he strove to document life in Japan.
About Meiji JapanReviews and evaluative information for more than 10,000 testing instruments. Also includes bibliographic indexing for all known commercially available English-language tests currently in print.
About Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in PrintInformation on chemicals, drugs, and biologicals.
About The Merck IndexDigitized archive of Corporate and Municipal Mergent (formerly Moody's) Manuals dating back to 1909.
About Mergent ArchivesInformation about 50,000 global, active public companies, as well as industry, country, sustainability, and macroeconomic data.
About Mergent Market AtlasDatabase of corporate information covering over 25,000 U.S. public companies, over 35,000 foreign public companies, and over 34,000 private companies.
About Mergent OnlineAccess full-length Metropolitan Opera performances, including videos from the Met’s Live in HD series of movie theater transmissions, telecasts from the 1970s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, and radio broadcasts dating back to 1935.
About Met Opera On Demand: Student AccessResearch on meteorology, climatology, atmospheric chemistry and physics, astrophysics, hydrology, glaciology, physical oceanography, and environmental sciences.
About Meteorological and Geoastrophysical AbstractsDigitized primary sources covering Mexican history from c.1500 - 1929.
About Mexico in History: Colonialism to Revolution(Open Access) Information on in vivo molecular imaging agents based on recommendations from the extramural community. Last updated in 2013.
About MICAD (Molecular Imaging and Contrast Agents Database)Evidence-based drug information.
About Micromedex(Open Access) Includes Middle English Dictionary, Bibliography of Middle English, and Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.
About Middle English CompendiumDigitized primary sources documenting migration from Great Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe, and Asia to North America and Australasia.
About Migration to New WorldsNews and scholarship related to all branches of the U.S. military and government.
About Military & Government CollectionProduct and industry market research reports covering consumer products in U.S. and international marketplaces.
About MintelA digitized collection of primary sources from a global range of Christian missions, churches, and denominations produced throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
About Missionary StudiesCritical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, folklore, and film.
About MLA International BibliographyElectronic version of the critical edition Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
About Monumenta Germaniae Historica (eMGH)Research on music, musicians, and the music industry.
About Music IndexA portal that allows you to cross-search all of Rutgers University Libraries' Alexander Street music-related products, including Classical Scores Library, Smithsonian Global Sound, and others.
About Music OnlineOver 2,000 Chinese journals in the social sciences and humanities and over 20,000 Chinese rare books.
About National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation (China)(Open Access) Literature covering a wide range of criminal justice topics such as law enforcement, courts, corrections, and crime statistics.
About National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts DatabaseOver 2,000 Chinese journals in the social sciences and humanities and over 20,000 Chinese rare books.
About National Social Sciences Database (China)Videos of live productions by the U.K.’s National Theatre, accompanied by archival materials.
About National Theatre CollectionEvidence-based information about dietary supplements, herbal medicines, and complementary and integrative therapies.
About NatMed ProEvidence-based information about dietary supplements, herbal medicines, and complementary and integrative therapies.
About Natural MedicinesScholarship and technical literature in agriculture, aquatic science, biology, earth & environmental sciences, food science, medicine, meteorology, pharmacology, and veterinary science.
About Natural Science Collection (ProQuest)Contains Nature magazine as well as Nature Reviews journals, Nature subject-specific journals, specialist journals, and open access journals.
About Nature PortfolioDigital library of over 75,000 classical music recordings from the Naxos catalog and selected additional labels.
About Naxos Music Library(Open Access) Books, reports, and other scholarly literature in biology, medicine, and the life sciences.
About NCBI Bookshelf(Open Access) Gene sequence data and metadata, including gene, genome, and taxonomy indexes.
About NCBI DatasetsConsumer law treatises produced by staff attorneys of the National Consumer Law Center.
About NCLC Digital Library(Open Access) Portal to digital collections of New Jersey libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies.
About New Jersey Digital Highway (NJDH)(Open Access) Digital library of literature and multimedia relating to the New Jersey environment.
About New Jersey Environmental Digital Library (NJEDL)Encyclopedia of the ancient world.
About New PaulyThe complete digitized archives of the New York Academy of Sciences including administrative records, correspondence, pamphlets, publications, proceedings, and reports.
About New York Academy of SciencesFull access to NYTimes.com, including all articles published from 1851 to the present. First-time users, please select “Create Account” to create an NYTimes.com personal account.
About The New York TimesDigitized collection of every issue of the New York Times from 1851 to 3 years ago.
About New York Times (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Newspapers from around the world, plus hundreds of newswires, news magazines, and television and radio transcripts.
About Newspaper Source Plus(Open Access) Reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, expenditures, and the results of NIH-supported research.
About NIH RePORTERPrimary source materials related to 19th century (primarily British and American) history.
About Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineThe most comprehensive index of English language books, periodical and newspaper articles, government publications, and archival materials printed in the 19th century.
About Nineteenth Century IndexDigitized primary source materials from the John Murray publishing company, a major British publishing house.
About Nineteenth Century Literary Society: The John Murray Publishing ArchiveCollection of digitized American newspapers originally published between 1800 and 1900.
About Nineteenth Century U.S. NewspapersThe complete digitized files of the U.K. Foreign & Commonwealth Office regarding Richard Nixon’s presidency of the United States.
About The Nixon Years, 1969-1974(Open Access) Information about rare diseases and disorders including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and clinical trials.
About NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders)Documents the personal experience of immigrants to Canada and the United States over more than two centuries.
About North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral HistoriesLetters, diaries, and personal writings of American women from colonial times to 1950.
About North American Women's Letters and Diaries(Open Access) Genome, gene and transcript sequence data from sources such as GenBank, RefSeq, TPA and PDB.
About NucleotideTechnology and business books, audiobooks, videos, and more from over 200 publishers.
About O'ReillyResearch focusing on oceanic policy and technology, including the legal, economic, structural, and commercial aspects of the marine environment.
About Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living Resources (ASFA 2)Literature on ocean research, including topics such as oceanography, coastal management, fisheries, aquaculture, and marine biology.
About Oceanic Abstracts(Open Access) Books, reports, working papers, and data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
About OECD Publications(Open Access) United Nations parliamentary documents (including resolutions and decisions), administrative issuances, and other documents published by the UN.
About Official Document System of the United Nations(Open Access) A comprehensive compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes.
About OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man(Open Access) Repository for research and publications produced by the World Bank.
About Open Knowledge Repository (World Bank)Video library of opera performances covering the most commonly studied works.
About Opera in VideoOral histories of English-speaking men and women from all walks of life.
About Oral History Online(Open Access) Abstracts of systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions.
About OTseeker: Occupational Therapy Systematic Evaluation of EvidenceLiterature on health services, technology, administration, and research, focusing on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery.
About Ovid HealthstarScholarly books and journals published by Oxford University Press covering a wide range of subjects.
About Oxford AcademicCollection of art reference works, including Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms.
About Oxford Art OnlineAnnotated bibliographies on childhood studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Childhood StudiesAnnotated bibliographies on Medieval studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Medieval StudiesAnnotated bibliographies on Renaissance and Reformation studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Renaissance & ReformationAnnotated bibliographies for important topics in urban studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Urban StudiesClassic source for biographical information on the United Kingdom and the British Empire. Typical entries include a brief bibliography and relevant archival sources.
About Oxford Dictionary of National BiographyLeading comprehensive dictionary of the English language, with authoritative definitions, etymologies, and quotations for English language words and phrases.
About Oxford English DictionaryCollection of music reference works, including Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, and The Oxford Dictionary of Music.
About Oxford Music OnlineScholarly books and journals published by Oxford University Press covering a wide range of subjects.
About Oxford Scholarship OnlineResearch on public affairs, public and social policies, and international relations.
About PAIS Index(Open Access) Handwritten books from the sixth through the sixteenth centuries written mostly in Latin, Anglo-Saxon, or English.
About Parker Library on the WebOfficial records of the sessions of the medieval English parliament.
About Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275-1504A collection of major texts and translations in the history of philosophy and thought.
About Past Masters(Open Access) U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)'s public search tool for patent and patent application information.
About Patent Public SearchElectronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina and the four volumes of indexes. Includes the works of the Church Fathers who wrote in Latin, dating from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216.
About Patrologia LatinaElectronic version of the ongoing Patrologia Orientalis series, which aims to eventually include all the works of the Church Fathers of the Christian East.
About Patrologia OrientalisElectronic version of Jacques-Paul Migne's The Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca. Includes the works of the Church Fathers who wrote in Greek, dating from the 1st century through the Council of Florence in 1439.
About Patrologiæ Græcæ(Open Access) Summaries of a wide range of cancer topics, including information about cancer clinical trials.
About PDQ® Cancer Information for Health Professionals(Open Access) Information about prescription drugs including usage, dosage, common brand names, side effects, interactions, and more.
About PDR: Prescribers' Digital Reference(Open Access) Database of randomized trials, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
About PEDro: Physiotherapy Evidence DatabaseDigitized writings by Early Modern women dating from 1500-1700.
About Perdita ManuscriptsBackfiles of historically significant periodicals in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
About Periodicals Archive OnlineMultidisciplinary index of articles published in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
About Periodicals Index Online(Open Access) Digital texts and images covering the history, literature, and culture of the Greco-Roman world, plus additional historical materials from other periods and locations.
About Perseus Digital LibraryA selection of authoritative textbooks from the American Pharmacists Association, plus an interactive NAPLEX review, case studies, and articles.
About PharmacyLibrary(Open Access) Clinical information database includes dosing guidelines and drug labels, potentially clinically actionable gene-drug associations, and genotype-phenotype relationships.
About PharmGKBDigitized collection of every issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer from 1860 to 2001.
About Philadelphia Inquirer (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Index of scholarship in philosophy and related fields. Covers all areas of philosophy as well as the philosophies of education, history, language, religion, and science.
About Philosopher's IndexComprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy. Includes research published in journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics.
About PhilPapers(Open Access) Information about prescription drugs including usage, dosage, common brand names, side effects, interactions, and more.
About Physicians’ Desk ReferenceDigitized collection of every issue of the Pittsburgh Gazette from 1786 to 2003.
About Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Database of funding opportunities for all disciplines and project types. [Pivot account required]
About PivotIndex of plays written from Antiquity to the present.
About Play Index (H.W. Wilson)Essays presenting different sides of current issues for beginning researchers.
About Points of View Reference SourceIndex of published policy reports from government organizations, think tanks, and other non-government organizations.
About Policy Citation IndexA collection of public policy research reports from over 350 think tanks, nongovernmental organizations, research institutes, university centers, and advocacy groups.
About Policy File IndexOnline data and mapping application that gives access to indicators related to U.S. housing, crime, mortgages, health, jobs, demographics, and education.
About PolicyMapScholarship and research in political science, public policy, and international relations from 1914 to present.
About Politics Collection (ProQuest)Compilation of public opinion surveys conducted in the United States and more than 80 other countries.
About Polling the NationsDigitized primary sources representing mass culture in midcentury Britain and the United States.
About Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975Digitized primary sources documenting the advertising and use of health treatments marketed directly to the American public.
About Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900Digitized primary sources documenting poverty and efforts to alleviate it in 19th-century Britain.
About Poverty, Philanthropy & Social Conditions in Victorian BritainScholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities for the study of Latin America and the Caribbean.
About PRISMABusiness and financial research on non-publicly traded companies, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed, and international unlisted companies.
About PrivCoProcurement reports covering thousands of commercial and industrial products and services, including pricing trends, market share concentration, supply market characteristics, and more.
About ProcurementIQScholarly journals and ebooks in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
About Project MuseU.S. Congressional information and publications dating from 1789 to the present.
About ProQuest CongressionalSearch ProQuest Dissertations & Theses on the Web of Science platform, complete with citation indexing.
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (Web of Science)Database of dissertations and theses from institutions around the world, including records for international dissertations beginning in 1637 and U.S. dissertations beginning in 1861 (the year the first doctoral dissertation was accepted at a U.S. institution).
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses GlobalRutgers dissertations and theses accepted from the 19th century through last semester.
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Rutgers UniversityCollection of scholarly ebooks from various publishers across all academic disciplines.
About ProQuest Ebook CentralDigitized collection of every issue of the Chicago Defender published from 1910 to 1975. The Chicago Defender was the most influential African-American newspaper of the 20th century.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago DefenderThe Advanced Search page on the ProQuest platform with all of Rutgers' ProQuest Historical Newspapers collections preselected.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Combined SearchDigitized collection of the Courier Post from 1881 to present (with some gaps). The Courier Post covers Camden and South Jersey.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Courier PostDigitized collection of New Jersey newspapers from 1876 - 1 week ago.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New Jersey CollectionDigitized collection of every issue of the New York Times from 1851 to 3 years ago.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York TimesDigitized collection of every issue of the Pittsburgh Gazette from 1786 to 2003.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteDigitized collection of every issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer from 1860 to 2001.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Philadelphia InquirerDigitized collection of every issue of the Wall Street Journal from 1889 to 12 years prior to the current year.
About The Wall Street Journal (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Digitized collection of every issue of The Washington Post from 1877 to 16 years prior to the current year.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington PostDocuments created by the U.S. Congress in the course of Congressional lawmaking.
About ProQuest Legislative InsightA comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States, including statistics collected by the U.S. Census Bureau.
About ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S.(Open Access) Collection of protein sequences from sources including GenBank, RefSeq, and TPA, as well as records from SwissProt, PIR, PRF, and PDB.
About Protein(Open Access) Free online archive of preprint and postprint manuscripts in the psychological sciences.
About PsyArXiv(Open Access) Reviews of books in psychology and the social sciences and reviews of professional videos and popular films from a psychological perspective.
About PsycCRITIQUESResources published by American Psychiatric Publishing, including the DSM Library, APA journals, news, textbooks, APA Practice Guidelines, information for patients, continuing education resources, and self-assessment tools.
About PsychiatryOnlineAbstracts and citations to scholarly literature in the behavioral sciences, psychology, and mental health, primarily dating from 1880s to present.
About PsycInfo (including PsycArticles)Index to literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological effects of trauma.
About PTSDpubs(Open Access) Freely accessible chemical information managed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
About PubChem(Open Access) Free collection of scientific literature that addresses the translation of genomics and precision health discoveries into improved healthcare and disease prevention.
About Public Health Genomics and Precision Health Knowledge Base (PHGKB)(Open Access) The largest index of biomedical literature, including peer-reviewed articles in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, pre-clinical sciences, and allied health.
About PubMed(Open Access) Free digital archive of biomedical journal literature managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).
About PubMed CentralA tool for choosing a medical journal or congress in which to publish or present.
About PubsHub: Journals & CongressesCollection of health sciences ebooks covering topics in medicine, nursing, dentistry, and allied health.
About R2 Digital LibraryDigitized primary sources originally produced by the Race Relations Department at Fisk University from 1943-1970.
About Race Relations in America(Open Access) Selective bibliography of articles in Jewish Studies and on Israel.
About RAMBI: The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies(Open Access) Information about rare diseases and disorders including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and clinical trials.
About NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders)Index of popular magazines and periodicals published in the United States.
About Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson)Information about millions of chemical structures, reactions, and properties contained in the Beilstein and Gmelin databases.
About ReaxysEvidence-based drug information.
About Red BookDigitized primary sources covering refugee crises, forced migrations, relief efforts, and resettlement after World War II.
About Refugees, Relief, and ResettlementRegional business publications, including magazines, newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, and newswires.
About Regional Business News(Open Access) Scholarship and research on disability and rehabilitation, including physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities.
About REHABDATA(Open Access) Guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment of radiation injuries during radiological and nuclear emergencies.
About REMM: Radiation Emergency Medical ManagementComprehensive international index of scholarship on classical, traditional, and popular music, historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, instruments, voice, and dance.
About RILM Abstracts of Music LiteratureDigitized historical American jazz periodicals.
About RIPM Jazz PeriodicalsDigitized primary sources from The Wordsworth Trust. The collection includes William Wordsworth's manuscripts and papers, correspondence with and manuscripts by other Romantic poets, and over 2,500 Romantic-era art pieces.
About Romanticism: Life, Literature and LandscapeDatabase of questions from public opinion polls on a broad range of topics.
About Roper iPollThe complete digitized archives of the Institute, including administrative records, correspondence, pamphlets, publications, proceedings, and reports.
About Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and IrelandDigitized archives of the Royal Shakespeare Company, including prompt books and selected production materials.
About Royal Shakespeare Company Archives: From Playwrights to PerformanceAcademic journals published in Africa in a variety of subject areas.
About Sabinet African Journals(Open Access) Research reports on preventing unintentional injuries, violence, and self-harm.
About SafetyLitBusiness cases, theories, and practical applications.
About Sage BusinessSelf-paced courses covering the research and publication process.
About Sage CampusDatasets from a variety of authoritative sources on agriculture, commerce, education, health, labor, transportation, and more.
About Sage DataEbooks and reference works in the social sciences and related fields.
About Sage Reference & Academic BooksResources designed to help researchers choose a research method, collect and analyze data, and present their findings.
About Sage Research MethodsBusiness skills and student success learning modules.
About Sage SkillsStreaming videos for business, social sciences, nursing, psychology, and other disciplines.
About Sage VideoMarket research and industry news in the area of sports business.
About SBRnet: Sports Business Research NetworkIndex of open access journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, Portugal, and South Africa.
About SciELO Citation Index(Open Access) A free gateway to scientific information produced by the U.S. Federal Government.
About Science.govMajor academic journals and ebooks in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and humanities.
About ScienceDirectAbstracts and citations of peer-reviewed literature covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
About ScopusCollection of traditional Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history.
About Scripta SinicaDigitized newspapers originally produced by members of various services branches on both sides of the conflict.
About Service Newspapers of World War II17th and 18th century British newspapers, newsbooks, pamphlets, and broadsides.
About Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers CollectionDigitized primary sources, including materials from the Kinsey Institute, documenting attitudes toward sexuality, gender, and sexual behavior in the United States, Great Britain, and Australia from the 19th-21st centuries.
About Sex & SexualityA collection of over 1,000 digitized rare and unique prompt books from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
About Shakespeare in Performance: The Folger Shakespeare Library Prompt BooksDigitized production and architectural archives of the reconstructed Shakespeare’s Globe theater in London.
About Shakespeare's Globe ArchiveAn index of over 150,000 short stories published from the 1980s to the present, primarily in English.
About Short Story Index (H.W. Wilson)Full text of Sibu Congkan, an important collection of pre-modern Chinese books.
About Sibu CongkanDigital library of streaming online silent feature films, documentaries, serials, and shorts from the 1890s to the 1930s.
About Silent Film Online(Open Access) Resource for evaluating a journal's scholarly ranking and impact based on citation data.
About SJR: SCImago Journal & Country RankDigitized primary sources from archives around the world documenting the history of slavery, slaves' experiences and testimonies, and abolitionist and social justice movements.
About Slavery, Abolition & Social JusticeMarket research and industry news in the area of sports business.
About SMA: Sports Market AnalyticsAudio recordings of American folk, blues, bluegrass, jazz, spoken word, and world music.
About Smithsonian Global SoundA cross-searching tool for 6 Alexander Street primary source collections, which include correspondence, autobiographies, interviews, and diaries dating from the 16th through the 21st centuries.
About Social and Cultural History: Letters and Diaries OnlineInteractive data maps and reports based on major sources of demographic data from 1790 to the present.
About Social ExplorerScholarship in anthropology, criminology, economics, education, international relations, library science, linguistics, political science, public policy, social work, sociology, and more.
About Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest)Citations to articles covering a wide range of social sciences and interdisciplinary fields published from 1907 to 1983.
About Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1983 (H.W. Wilson)Covers current research in social work, human services, and related areas.
About Social Services AbstractsDigitized films originally produced in Communist countries during the 20th century.
About Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International PropagandaCovers the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences, dating from 1952 to present.
About Sociological AbstractsScholarship in sociology, social work, and related social sciences fields.
About Sociology Collection (ProQuest)Electronic version of the ongoing Sources Chrétiennes series, which consists of critical editions of texts from the first 1400 years of the Christian Church.
About Sources Chrétiennes OnlinePlatform for discovering South Asian historical and cultural materials held by organizations around the world.
About South Asia Commons(Open Access) Digitized primary source materials about South Asia, including books, journals, newspapers, and magazines.
About South Asia Open Archives (SAOA)SPIE journals, conference proceedings, and books on optics and photonics.
About SPIE Digital LibraryIndex of literature in physical education, sports medicine, sport law, recreation, coaching and training, and sport sociology/psychology.
About Sports Medicine & Education IndexJournal and ebook collection covering thousands of scholarly titles in a variety of fields.
About Springer Nature LinkDigitized domestic State Papers of the government of Great Britain dating from 1603-1714.
About State Papers Online, Part III: The Stuarts: James I to Anne, 1603-1714: State Papers DomesticCollection of statistical data from a variety of sources covering topics in business, education, finance, media, politics, society, and technology.
About StatistaA comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States, including statistics collected by the U.S. Census Bureau.
About Statistical Abstract of the U.S.Question banks for Nurse Practitioner and NCLEX-RN/PN exams.
About StatPearlsMedical and drug information for health professionals.
About STAT!Ref(Open Access) Three dimensional structures providing information on the biological function and the evolutionary history of macromolecules, used to examine sequence-structure-function relationships, interactions, active sites, and more.
About StructureStreaming video library with feature films and documentaries.
About Swank Digital CampusAn online behavioral health education and training film library with over 300 mental health simulations, including DSM 5 and ICD guided films and assessment tools.
About Symptom Media(Open Access) Tables of contents for a selection of classics, Near Eastern studies, and religion journals.
About Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists (TOCS-IN)A database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
About TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource)Education magazines and peer-reviewed journals covering education across all levels, from preschool to higher education to continuing education.
About Teacher Reference CenterDigitized primary sources covering the history of the modern Olympic and Paralympic games from 1896 to 1992.
About The Olympic Movement: Sport, Global Politics and IdentityA digital library of Greek literature covering most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium, including over 4,000 authors and 10,000 works.
About Thesaurus Linguae GraecaeThe most authoritative dictionary of ancient Latin, covering texts from the classical period through 600 A.D.
About Thesaurus Linguae LatinaeDigitized collection of every issue of The Times of London from 1785 to 2014.
About The Times Digital ArchiveEbooks and ejournals from over 180 academic publishers from Italy, Spain, France and Portugal.
About TorrossaCovers all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants, and mutagens and teratogens.
About TOXLINEDigitized catalogues, pamphlets, trade cards, and other marketing materials originally directed toward the American consumer.
About Trade Catalogues and the American HomeDigitized court records and financial accounts from six principal London livery companies.
About Trade in Early Modern London: Livery Company Records, 1450-1750(Open Access) The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)’s database of registered trademarks and prior pending applications. Also includes available information on inactive applications and registrations.
About Trademark SearchDigitized primary source materials illustrating the sociocultural history of department stores.
About The Transformation of ShoppingMajor historic texts dating from from 300 to 800 A.D. translated into English.
About Translated Texts for Historians E-LibraryCollection of manuscripts, diaries, travel journals, correspondence, photographs, postcards and ephemera created by women travelers.
About Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History(Open Access) Covers all modes and disciplines of transportation with over 1.25 million records of transportation research worldwide.
About TRID: the TRIS and ITRD Database(Open Access) A free search tool designed to find high-quality clinical research evidence.
About TripCollection of turfgrass educational materials, reporting on aspects of turfgrass and its maintenance.
About Turfgrass Information FileKey publications of the United States Congress, documenting the official activities of the committees of the House and the Senate.
About U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980Current and historical state and federal constitutions with accompanying commentary.
About U.S. Constitutional LawDigitized collection of previously classified documents that have been declassified by the U.S. federal government.
About U.S. Declassified Documents OnlineDigitized collection of every issue of U.S. News & World Report and its predecessor titles from 1926 to 1984.
About U.S. News & World Report Magazine Archive(Open Access) Official statistics, estimates, and projections compiled by the United Nations Statistics and Population Divisions and other UN agencies.
About UNdata(Open Access) Global data on the manufacturing sector from 1963 to the present.
About UNIDO Statistics Data PortalA point-of-care information resource covering a variety of healthcare topics and specialties.
About UpToDateA drug referential platform for clinicians. Includes information about drugs, doses, mechanisms of action, interactions, and adverse effects.
About UpToDate LexidrugContains 53,000 video testimonies in 32 languages from 56 countries recorded by the USC Shoah Foundation Institute.
About USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive(Open Access) Index of publications from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
About USGS Publications WarehouseA comprehensive source of information and advice on companies, industries, markets, and economies.
About Value LineHistorical investment information and advice dating on approximately 1,700 large cap stocks.
About Value Line Historical ReportsAn index of news broadcasts by national television networks, including ABC, CBS, Fox News, and NBC, with streaming video for NBC and CNN broadcasts.
About Vanderbilt Television News ArchiveAn online reference of hundreds of employers and available jobs.
About VaultDigitized primary sources depicting popular entertainment in Britain, the United States, and Europe in the long 19th century.
About Victorian Popular CultureDigitized films produced during the Victorian era primarily in Great Britain.
About Victorians on FilmDigitized archives of the Virginia Company of London, an English joint-stock company chartered to establish colonial settlements in North America.
About Virginia Company Archives3D interactive anatomy visualization and education tool with thousands of interactive anatomical structures.
About Visible BodyContains 53,000 video testimonies in 32 languages from 56 countries recorded by the USC Shoah Foundation Institute.
About Visual History Archive (VHA)A differential diagnosis decision support tool, designed to be used at the point of care.
About VisualDxA comprehensive law & taxation database containing official government publications, interpretive and analytical material, practice tools, and current tax news.
About VitalLawDigitized collection of every issue of Vogue from 1892 to the previous month.
About The Vogue Archive(Open Access) Weekly English-language digest of the articles published in the Serbian news magazine Vreme from 1991-2001. Provides contemporary reports on the wars in the former Yugoslavia from a non-government Serbian perspective.
About Vreme NDADigitized collection of every issue of the Wall Street Journal from 1889 to 12 years prior to the current year.
About The Wall Street Journal (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Current digital edition of the Wall Street journal, a national daily newspaper publishing news, commentary, and analysis with an emphasis on business and financial news.
About The Wall Street JournalDigitized collection of every issue of The Washington Post from 1877 to 16 years prior to the current year.
About Washington Post (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Index of the world's leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
About Web of Science (Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science Citation Indexes)A repository of highly curated small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures, which may be viewed in 3-D.
About WebCSDMutual funds ratings produced by the independent financial ratings agency Weiss Ratings.
About Weiss Ratings: Mutual FundsA collection of thousands of law, news, and business publications.
About Westlaw Campus ResearchJournals, books, and reference sources in a wide range of subject areas.
About Wiley Online Library(Open Access) World intellectual property data, including patents, trademarks, and industrial design information.
About WIPODigitized primary sources documenting women's activism in United States public life.
About Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000Digitized primary source materials drawn from more than 300 repositories documenting women's activism in social movements globally.
About Women and Social Movements, InternationalDigitized primary sources from the UK National Archives documenting women's suffrage in Britain and its colonies, accompanied by a finding aid to all women’s studies resources in the UK National Archives.
About Women in the National Archives (UK)Digitized primary sources that amplify the voices of women (primarily British) in the 18th-20th centuries.
About Women's StudiesAn index of scholarship in women's studies and feminist research.
About Women's Studies InternationalDigitized diaries and oral histories that reveal the lives and experiences of lesser-known women of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
About Women's Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968(Open Access) Repository for research and publications produced by the World Bank.
About World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)Index to biographical articles collected from many different sources in the K.G. Saur microfiche collections.
About World Biographical Information System(Open Access) A complete and authoritative collection of statistics on countries, regions, and economic groupings of the world, collected and presented by the World Bank.
About World Development IndicatorsIndex of scholarly and popular literature related to the works of Shakespeare.
About World Shakespeare BibliographyDigitized primary sources documenting World War II and its aftermath in Europe and the Pacific.
About World War Two StudiesA shared catalog of library collections worldwide.
About WorldCatAn index of international scholarship in political science, international law, and public administration/policy.
About Worldwide Political Science AbstractsDigitized primary sources documenting global expositions.
About World’s Fairs: A Global History of ExpositionsA collection of journals in clinical medicine, behavioral & social sciences, life sciences, nursing, physical sciences, and engineering.
About Your Journals@Ovid(Open Access) Free index of scholarship in pure and applied mathematics.
About zbMATH OpenResearch in animal biology, including all aspects of zoology and animal sciences.
About Zoological Record