Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)

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Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)
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Humanities Index Retrospective is an index of articles and book reviews in humanities and interdisciplinary fields. It indexes major scholarly journals and important specialized magazines published between 1907 and 1984. Subjects covered include archaeology, area studies, art, classical studies, dance, film, folklore, gender studies, history, journalism, linguistics, literary and social criticism, literature, music, performing arts, philosophy, and religion and theology.

Humanities Index Retrospective contains all the indexing from the following print indexes published by H.W. Wilson:

  • International Index: 18 volumes, 1907 - March 1965
  • Social Sciences & Humanities Index: 9 volumes, April 1965 – March 1974
  • Humanities Index: 10 volumes, April 1974 – March 1984
Dates covered


Resource types