WorldCat is a shared catalog that allows you to discover materials held by thousands of libraries in North America and around the world. It includes books, journals, archival materials, dissertations, government publications, maps, music, musical scores, audio recordings, videos, and many other types of materials. In total, it includes more than 500 million records.
WorldCat clearly identifies items held by Rutgers, and “Get it @ R” links allow you check availability and request options in QuickSearch. For items not owned by Rutgers, you can view a list of libraries that own the item, and you can use the “Request Interlibrary Loan” link to request that the item be obtained from another library.
Some older books are not included in WorldCat. To find older books not included in WorldCat and held by American libraries, please use the print publication The National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints.
Ancient times – present.