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This online exhibition celebrates the life and achievements of Clifford Philip Case  (1904-1982). A graduate of the Rutgers College Class of 1925, Clifford Case represented New Jersey in the U.S. Congress for over thirty years. A moderate Republican, he was known for his bipartisanship, support of civil rights, and crafting of legislation on ethics in government. Senator; Case began to donate his papers to Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, in 1961.

This Web site serves as a companion to the permanent exhibition on the senator’s life and work which was installed in the Clifford P. Case Seminar Room in October 2006.  It offers those unable to visit Rutgers an opportunity to examine documents and images from the collection more fully, as well as offering suggestions for further reading. It is hoped that this resource will help a younger generation understand Clifford P. Case’s legacy and his contribution to the eventful times in which he lived.

Clifford P. Case II, 1970s
Clifford P. Case II, 1970s


Renovation of the Clifford P. Case Room and the installation of the Case Room permanent exhibition were funded by gifts from the Rutgers College Class of 1974, Sheila and William R. Fernekes, and a grant-in-aid from the New Jersey Historical Commission(link is external), a division of the Department of State.

This exhibition could not have been completed without the strong support of the Case family, particularly Jane Case Weaver, Anne Case Holt, and Clifford P. Case III, who provided access to the personal papers of Ruth Case and who answered many inquiries about their parents' lives.

Additionally, special thanks are due to Sam Zagoria, Rutgers College Class of 1941 and former Administrative Assistant to Senator Clifford P. Case, for his loan of the Senator's office chair and his assistance during the research process.

Exhibition Curator

William R. Fernekes

Rutgers College '74

Exhibition Designer

Fernanda H. Perrone

Special Collections & University Archives

Web Site Designer

Samantha Reynolds

Douglass College '08

All items are from Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, unless otherwise noted.


By Mail:

Special Collections and University Archives

Rutgers University Libraries

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

169 College Avenue

New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163

By Phone: 848/ 932-6159

The Clifford P. Case Seminar Room is open to the public upon appointment during Special Collections and University Archives' hours.

View a map and directions to Archibald Stevens Alexander Library.