In addition to this website, ClinicalKey offers a mobile app. To use the app, access the website through the link on this page, and create a ClinicalKey personal account using the Register link and your Rutgers email address. Then sign up for remote access using that email address. Then log into the app using your personal account. You will need to access the website through the link on this page and log into it with your personal account every 180 days to maintain access to the app.
ClinicalKey provides current information to clinical health care providers via an aggregated content service. It provides full-text access to over 500 Elsevier journals and 1,000 e-books. Additionally, it includes clinical overviews, clinical trials, drug monographs, clinical guidelines, patient education handouts, images & multimedia, procedure videos, clinical calculators, and indexing and abstracts from the National Library of Medicine’s MEDLINE database. The latter consists of journal citations and abstracts for published health sciences journal literature. ClinicalKey is continuously updated with the most current clinical information and editions, and MEDLINE citations are updated every week.
Current clinical information.