Sage Data

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Sage Data

Sage Data is a collection of U.S. and international datasets sourced from governmental, commercial, and private organizations. Sage Data allows you to search and browse billions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized exportable charts and tables. Each dataset also has a detailed description, including information about its source organization and update frequency. In addition to the core datasets available on the Sage Data platform, Rutgers has purchased the following add-on datasets with data through 2023:

  • Claritas Consumer Profiles 
  • Claritas Financial and Insurance CLOUT™ 
  • Data Axle Reference Solutions: Historical Canadian Business
  • Data Axle Reference Solutions: Historical US Business (Formerly Infogroup Business USA)
  • Data Axle Reference Solutions: Historical US Residential
  • EASI Market Planner   
  • Woods & Poole

Datasets cover a wide range of subjects, including agriculture and food; banking, finance, and insurance; criminal justice and law enforcement; education; energy resources and industries; government and politics; health and vital statistics; housing and construction; industry, business, and commerce; international relations and trade; labor and employment; military and defense; natural resources and environment; population and income; prices, consumption, and cost of living; and transportation and traffic.

Dates covered

Varies per dataset; most datasets are from the past few decades.

Resource types