Compendex, hosted on Elsevier's Engineering Village platform, is a comprehensive database of engineering research. It contains over 20 million citations and abstracts from conference proceedings, technical reports, trade publications book series, dissertations, and over 3,500 journals. The collection includes sources from over 70 countries and in many languages. Compendex includes indexing from 1969 to the present, and it is updated continuously with citations to newly published research.
Compendex covers all areas of engineering and related disciplines, including over 180 specialties. Major areas represented include agricultural engineering and food technology; applied physics; bioengineering and biotechnology; chemical and process engineering; computers and data processing; electronics and communications; light and optical technology; materials science; nanotechnology; nuclear technology; and aerospace, automotive, control, civil, mechanical, materials, and petroleum engineering.
Compendex is the electronic counterpart and continuation of the print publication Engineering Index.
1969 - present.