Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-making

Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-making

Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-making is a collection of video interviews, on-set footage, photographs, and film posters that document the history of Bollywood cinema in the latter half of the 20th century and the early 21st century. Most of the collection is from the personal collections of Nasreen Munni Kabir, film producer and director, who has created many documentaries on Hindi cinema and has curated series of Hindi films for Channel 4 on British TV. This collection includes: 

  • Video interviews with actors, directors, writers, and other creative personnel, accompanied by on-set films ("actuality films") demonstrating the process of live film production. These films were created by Kabir and produced by Hyphen Films Ltd between 1986 and 2011 for various Channel 4 UK television series. 
  • Selected interviews from the documentary Bollywood Dancing produced for BBC 2 in 2001.
  • Photographs by Peter Chappell, who worked with Kabir filming the interviews and actuality films and took still photographs of film sets, makeup studios, and stars.
  • Hindi film posters from the British Film Institute (BFI), some of which were donated to BFI by Kabir.
Dates covered

c.1950 - 2010
