
JoVE is a platform with streaming videos that present scientific research and science education concepts. The heart of the platform is JoVE Journal, a peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed video journal. In these video-articles, researchers demonstrate innovative experiments in real-life laboratories, enabling efficient learning and replication of new research methods and technologies. JoVE also includes an Encyclopedia of Experiments, a series of videos of advanced research experiments intended for reference by scientific researchers. JoVE also includes Jove Science Education, a series of videos that teach students basic research concepts and laboratory and clinical techniques. 

Rutgers University Libraries' subscription to JoVE includes the following sections of JoVE Journal:

  • JoVE Biochemistry
  • JoVE Bioengineering
  • JoVE Biology
  • JoVE Cancer Research
  • JoVE Chemistry
  • JoVE Immunology and Infection
  • JoVE Medicine
  • JoVE Neuroscience

The following sections of JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments:

  • Biology
  • Cancer Research

The following sections of JoVE Science Education:

  • Advanced Biology
  • Basic Biology
  • Clinical Skills

Rutgers does not have access to any other videos on the JoVE platform.

Dates covered

Varies per video series
