Left Index

Left Index
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Left Index is a database of Leftist and radical writings. It emphasizes political, economic, social, and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. Its secondary emphasis is significant but little-known sources of news and ideas. Topics covered include wars, the labor movement, ecology and environment, race and ethnicity, social and cultural theory, sociology, sexuality, art & aesthetics, philosophy, history, education, law, and globalization.

Historically significant early Left publications such as The People and The Class Struggle are included. There is also limited coverage of The Daily Worker. Also indexed are classic texts by Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and Engels. The database also includes other significant texts written in the formative years of the Left.

Most of the database consists of indexing and abstracts, but some full text content is included. Document types include journal articles, books, book reviews, book chapters, theses, dissertations, bulletins, newsletters, and web documents. Left Index is a continuation of the print publication Left Index, which was published from 1982 to 1999. The database includes all citations that were published in the print Left Index, and it continues its indexing of Leftist publications through the present day.

Dates covered

1911 - present.

Resource types