
Connection note

Use the link on this page and create a personal account with your email address to access StatPearls. If you are an instructor and would like an instructor account, please create a personal account and then contact Maria Deptula ( 


On the StatPearls platform, Rutgers subscribes to question banks for Nurse Practitioner and NCLEX-RN/PN exams. You can build your own quizzes and customize quizzes' difficulty, topic area, and length. Each question includes a thorough explanation of the correct answer. Question banks are regularly updated so that they are similar to the latest exams. Instructors may request instructor accounts, which will allow them to assign homework and quizzes to their classes. 

StatPearls also contains Continuing Education activities; some CE activities are free, while others are only available with an additional purchase. StatPearls also contains articles in various specialty areas, some of which have accompanying quiz questions. 

StatPearls is available both on the web and as a mobile app. Please create a personal account following the instructions in the Connection Note to access the website and/or the app. 

Dates covered

Current information. 
