Open Access

WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization, is a source for world intellectual property (IP) data, including patents, trademarks, industrial design information, geographical indication information, IP laws, treaties, and judgements, and more. It also includes patent and trademark classification information, IP standards, international IP statistics, and annual reports. The following tools are especially helpful for finding patent and trademark information:

  • PATENTSCOPE—a database of over 43 million patent documents, including international PCT applications and patent documents from national and regional offices.
  • Global Brand Database—includes international trademarks under the Madrid System, appellations of origin and geographical indications under the Lisbon system, Emblems under 6ter, INNs OF THE World Health Organization, and Trademarks from participating national and regional offices.
  • Madrid Monitor—provides current information on the status of trademarks registered under the Madrid System. Includes trademarks which are currently in force or have expired within the past six months.

WIPO is a self-funding agency of the United Nations. Its mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all.

Dates covered

18th century - present

Resource types