Lending to Other Libraries
In addition to filling interlibrary loan requests on behalf of our users, we also lend to other institutions listed in the OCLC Policies Directory; members of the New Jersey Library Cooperative; and to SHARES members worldwide. Requests for books and journals from our collections may be sent via OCLC (Symbol: NJR) JerseyCat, or by logging into your Rutgers ILLiad account. If you don't yet have an account with us, please complete the registration request form.
Shipping and Postage
Unless otherwise indicated, physical materials are shipped via UPS. There is no additional charge to borrowers for domestic UPS shipments.
Loans for member libraries of the New Jersey Library Network are shipped via the LibraryLinkNJ delivery service when possible.
Borrowers must make their own arrangements for express or courier service.
Electronic Delivery
Article scans are delivered via Odyssey or Article Exchange whenever possible at no additional charge.
The following fees apply for libraries that are not covered under one of our resource sharing agreements. Copies of requests and invoices are sent monthly and payable upon receipt.
Print materials
- $15 -- North America (U.S. and Canada)
- $30 -- SHARES libraries overseas
- $35 -- IFM libraries overseas
- 3 IFLA vouchers -- IFLA libraries overseas
Digital scans
- $15 -- North America (U.S. and Canada)
- $10 -- SHARES libraries overseas
- $15 -- IFM libraries overseas
- 1 IFLA voucher -- IFLA libraries overseas
Lending Policies
- Audiovisual materials: YES, if not new or booked for class use
- Books: YES, to libraries in the U.S. and Canada, RLG SHARES members, IFLA voucher scheme participants
- Dissertations & Theses: YES, if copy in general stacks
- Government documents: YES
- Maps: NO
- Microforms: YES, or scans
- Patents (U.S.): YES, scans
- Periodicals: YES, scans