In addition to this website, VisualDx offers a mobile app. To access the app, click the link on this page to access the website, and select “Get the Mobile App.” Follow the instructions to create a VisualDX personal account. Then download the app and log into it using your personal account.
VisualDx is a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to be used at the point of care. To get started, select Diagnosis Lookup or Build a Differential. You can select from a wide variety of options to complete your workup, and then you can view your differential diagnosis. Each diagnosis is illustrated with images from VisualDX’s photo image library and includes the following pieces of information:
- Synopsis
- ICD-10 Codes
- What to look for
- Diagnostic Pearls
- Differential Diagnosis and Pitfalls
- Best Tests
- Management Pearls
- Therapy
- References
- Information for Patients (patient handouts)
The photo image library includes thousands of images illustrating diseases on all skin types and colors.
Current medical information.