Apartheid South Africa: 1948-1988

Apartheid South Africa: 1948-1988

Apartheid South Africa is a collection of digitized British government files from the Foreign, Colonial, Dominion and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices dating from 1948 to 1988. These documents are held by the National Archives of the United Kingdom. This collection, beginning with the election of the National Party in 1948 and its institutionalization of racial segregation, documents the history of the apartheid era and the international community’s response to it. Rutgers has access to four modules on this platform, which are divided by chronological period:

  • Section I: 1948-1966
  • Section II: 1967-1975
  • Section III: 1976-1980
  • Section IV: 1981-1988

Rutgers does not have access to any other modules on this platform.

Material types include dispatches; biographies; reports; meeting minutes; letters; telegrams; maps; political, economic, and military analyses; newspaper cuttings, translations, and transcriptions; and handwritten embassy notes. Some views and terminology in the original documents may now be considered outdated, biased, or offensive. Some information in the 1948-1966 run of files has been redacted by The National Archives of the United Kingdom under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. 

Dates covered

