1980s Culture and Society
Digitized primary sources illustrating 1980s social, cultural, and political concerns.
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Digitized primary sources illustrating 1980s social, cultural, and political concerns.
About 1980s Culture and SocietyDigitized primary sources documenting European colonization across Africa.
About Africa and the New Imperialism: European Borders on the African Continent, 1870-1914Digitized primary sources depicting key events in European maritime exploration from 1410-1920.
About Age of ExplorationSearches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM ExplorerSearches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM SearchDigitized primary sources illustrating United States military and civilian involvement in WWII.
About America in World War TwoDigitized British government files from the Foreign, Colonial, Dominion and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices documenting the apartheid era.
About Apartheid South Africa: 1948-1988Primary sources documenting, from a Western perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of China from the 18th through 20th centuries.
About Area Studies: China and Southeast AsiaDigitized primary sources documenting, primarily from a British colonial perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of India from 1712 to 1942.
About Area Studies: IndiaEnglish Bible translations primarily dating from the Medieval and Renaissance periods.
About The Bible in EnglishConsists of more than 400 years' worth of personal writings by women of Britain and Ireland.
About British and Irish Women's Letters and DiariesDigitized historical newspapers originally published in the United Kingdom during the 19th century.
About British Library NewspapersDigitized silent newsreels covering British and international news.
About British Newsreels, 1911-1930: Culture and Society on FilmPeriodicals published from the 17th through the early 21st centuries, but primarily during the 19th century, that broadly cover humanities disciplines.
About British Periodicals17th and 18th century British newspapers, newsbooks, pamphlets, and broadsides.
About Burney Collection NewspapersDigitized primary sources from Britain and America covering 19th and 20th century topics, including papers of major economists and documentation of Keynesian economics in Britain.
About Business, Economic and Labour HistoryThe most comprehensive index of English language books, periodical and newspaper articles, government publications, and archival materials printed in the 19th century.
About C19: The Nineteenth Century IndexDigitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding Central Asia, Persia, and Afghanistan.
About Central Asia, Persia & Afghanistan, 1834-1922Digitized records of the Church Missionary Society and related organizations.
About Church Missionary Society ArchiveDigitized collection of periodicals and other documents produced by the Church Missionary Society, a major Protestant mission organization, from 1804-2009.
About Church Missionary Society PeriodicalsDigitized files from the British Colonial Office regarding the Caribbean.
About Colonial CaribbeanDigitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about Africa. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966Digitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about Latin America. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969Digitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about the Middle East. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969Digitized collection of formerly confidential British government documents about North America. The original documents were produced by the Foreign and Colonial Offices.
About Confidential Print: North America, 1824-1961Digitized files of the British Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) regarding Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
About Conflict in Indochina: Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1959-1979Digitized primary sources depicting gender in British history, literature, society, and culture from 1450-1910.
About Defining GenderClassic source for biographical information on the United Kingdom and the British Empire. Typical entries include a brief bibliography and relevant archival sources.
About Dictionary of National BiographyDigitized collection that includes virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America from 1473-1700.
About Early English Books OnlineDigitized primary sources illustrating everyday life in 16th and 17th-century England.
About Early Modern EnglandDigitized archives of the London administration of the East India Company and the pre-1947 government of India.
About East India CompanyA nearly comprehensive collection of the works published in the English language during the eighteenth century.
About Eighteenth Century Collections OnlineA collection of digitized play manuscripts, including nearly every play submitted for license in the U.K. from 1737-1824.
About Eighteenth Century DramaA collection of digitized unique and rare periodicals representing the wide thematic and geographic range of English language print culture in the 18th century.
About Eighteenth Century JournalsOver 70,000 letters and documents of British, American, French, German, and other Enlightenment figures.
About Electronic EnlightenmentDigitized primary sources on the history of empires and empire building in the modern era, with primary emphasis on the British Empire. There are also materials on American imperialism.
About Empire OnlineDigitized primary sources documenting the British Empire and colonialism.
About Empire StudiesDigitized primary sources produced by soldiers, civilians, and governments on both sides of the conflict and in multiple theatres of war.
About The First World WarA shared catalog of library collections worldwide.
About FirstSearchDigitized primary sources documenting food and drink in global history.
About Food and Drink in HistoryDigitized files from the British Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) regarding China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
About Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980Digitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
About Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980Digitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding Japan.
About Foreign Office Files for Japan, 1919 -1952Digitized files from the National Archives of the United Kingdom regarding Southeast Asia.
About Foreign Office Files for Southeast Asia, 1963-1980Digitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding the Middle East.
About Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981Digitized primary sources documenting European migration to and colonization of Africa, Australasia, and North America.
About Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial EncountersDigital scholarship tool for analyzing documents from Gale primary source collections.
About Gale Digital Scholar LabDigitized primary sources depicting gender history, women’s suffrage, the feminist movement, and the men’s movement.
About Gender: Identity and Social ChangeA digitized collection of materials documenting feminist thought and women’s rights movements around the world.
About Gerritsen Women's History Collection of Aletta H. JacobsCollection of primary source materials exploring the history of key global commodities and ways they have changed the world.
About Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration & Cultural ExchangeDigitized primary sources documenting British travel to the European continent from the 16th through the 19th centuries.
About The Grand Tour(Open Access) A collection of books, consisting mostly of works in the public domain, digitized by libraries around the world.
About HathiTrust Digital LibraryLegal research collection featuring laws and regulations, case law, treaties and agreements, scholarly legal and criminal justice periodicals, and related materials.
About HeinOnlineGenealogical database with government records, census data, and auxiliary resources for family history research.
About HeritageQuestCovers the history of the world from 1450 to the present, excluding the United States and Canada.
About Historical AbstractsAn index of scholarship on the history of a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biological science, computer and information sciences, engineering, geography, mathematics, medicine, neurosciences, pharmacy, physics, psychiatry, public health, and technology.
About History of Science, Technology, and MedicinePrimary source materials focusing on the history of India from a British colonial perspective.
About India, Raj and EmpireDigitized periodicals published in the United States, Britain, and Australia between the World Wars.
About Interwar CultureJournals, books, and primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
About JSTORDigitized primary sources depicting the development of mass tourism from the mid-19th through the 20th century.
About Leisure, Travel and Mass Culture: The History of Mass TourismDigitized primary sources documenting Anglo-American sea travel from 1600-1900.
About Life at SeaDigitized manuscripts from the Brotherton Library Collection at the University of Leeds.
About Literary Manuscripts: 17th and 18th Century Poetry from University of LeedsDigitized Victorian manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of the New York Public Library.
About Literary Manuscripts: Victorian Manuscripts from the Berg CollectionDigitized primary sources from The Stationers’ Company, which controlled the early British publishing industry.
About Literary Print Culture: The Stationers' Company ArchiveDigitized primary sources documenting popular culture in 19th-century London.
About London Low LifeThe complete Cabinet conclusions (minutes) and memoranda of the government of British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.
About Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963Collection of digitized legal monographs published in Great Britain and the United States from 1800-1926.
About Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926Digitized archive of Mass-Observation, a U.K. social research organization that documented the actions of ordinary Britons in everyday life from 1937 through the mid-1960s.
About Mass Observation OnlineDigitized archive of the Mass Observation Project, a public opinion survey program conducted by the University of Sussex, dating from 1981-2009.
About Mass Observation ProjectDigitized primary sources documenting medical history during times of armed conflict dating from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century.
About Medical Services and WarfareDigitized manuscripts dating from the 12th to early 18th centuries.
About Medieval and Early Modern StudiesThe collected papers of five major families from the late medieval England period: Paston, Stonor, Cely, Plumpton, and Armburgh.
About Medieval Family LifeDigitized primary sources documenting migration from Great Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe, and Asia to North America and Australasia.
About Migration to New WorldsDigitized collection of every issue of the New York Times from 1851 to 3 years ago.
About New York Times (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Primary source materials related to 19th century (primarily British and American) history.
About Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineThe most comprehensive index of English language books, periodical and newspaper articles, government publications, and archival materials printed in the 19th century.
About Nineteenth Century IndexDigitized primary source materials from the John Murray publishing company, a major British publishing house.
About Nineteenth Century Literary Society: The John Murray Publishing ArchiveThe complete digitized files of the U.K. Foreign & Commonwealth Office regarding Richard Nixon’s presidency of the United States.
About The Nixon Years, 1969-1974Oral histories of English-speaking men and women from all walks of life.
About Oral History OnlineClassic source for biographical information on the United Kingdom and the British Empire. Typical entries include a brief bibliography and relevant archival sources.
About Oxford Dictionary of National BiographyResearch on public affairs, public and social policies, and international relations.
About PAIS Index(Open Access) Handwritten books from the sixth through the sixteenth centuries written mostly in Latin, Anglo-Saxon, or English.
About Parker Library on the WebOfficial records of the sessions of the medieval English parliament.
About Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275-1504Digitized writings by Early Modern women dating from 1500-1700.
About Perdita ManuscriptsMultidisciplinary index of articles published in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
About Periodicals Index OnlineDigitized primary sources representing mass culture in midcentury Britain and the United States.
About Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975Digitized primary sources documenting poverty and efforts to alleviate it in 19th-century Britain.
About Poverty, Philanthropy & Social Conditions in Victorian BritainDigitized collection of every issue of the New York Times from 1851 to 3 years ago.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York TimesDigitized collection of every issue of The Washington Post from 1877 to 16 years prior to the current year.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington PostDigitized primary sources covering refugee crises, forced migrations, relief efforts, and resettlement after World War II.
About Refugees, Relief, and ResettlementDigitized primary sources from The Wordsworth Trust. The collection includes William Wordsworth's manuscripts and papers, correspondence with and manuscripts by other Romantic poets, and over 2,500 Romantic-era art pieces.
About Romanticism: Life, Literature and LandscapeThe complete digitized archives of the Institute, including administrative records, correspondence, pamphlets, publications, proceedings, and reports.
About Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and IrelandDigitized newspapers originally produced by members of various services branches on both sides of the conflict.
About Service Newspapers of World War II17th and 18th century British newspapers, newsbooks, pamphlets, and broadsides.
About Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers CollectionDigitized primary sources, including materials from the Kinsey Institute, documenting attitudes toward sexuality, gender, and sexual behavior in the United States, Great Britain, and Australia from the 19th-21st centuries.
About Sex & SexualityA collection of over 1,000 digitized rare and unique prompt books from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
About Shakespeare in Performance: The Folger Shakespeare Library Prompt BooksDigitized primary sources from archives around the world documenting the history of slavery, slaves' experiences and testimonies, and abolitionist and social justice movements.
About Slavery, Abolition & Social JusticeDigitized domestic State Papers of the government of Great Britain dating from 1603-1714.
About State Papers Online, Part III: The Stuarts: James I to Anne, 1603-1714: State Papers DomesticDigitized primary sources covering the history of the modern Olympic and Paralympic games from 1896 to 1992.
About The Olympic Movement: Sport, Global Politics and IdentityDigitized collection of every issue of The Times of London from 1785 to 2014.
About The Times Digital ArchiveDigitized court records and financial accounts from six principal London livery companies.
About Trade in Early Modern London: Livery Company Records, 1450-1750Digitized primary source materials illustrating the sociocultural history of department stores.
About The Transformation of ShoppingCollection of manuscripts, diaries, travel journals, correspondence, photographs, postcards and ephemera created by women travelers.
About Travel Writing, Spectacle and World HistoryDigitized primary sources depicting popular entertainment in Britain, the United States, and Europe in the long 19th century.
About Victorian Popular CultureDigitized films produced during the Victorian era primarily in Great Britain.
About Victorians on FilmDigitized archives of the Virginia Company of London, an English joint-stock company chartered to establish colonial settlements in North America.
About Virginia Company ArchivesDigitized collection of every issue of The Washington Post from 1877 to 16 years prior to the current year.
About Washington Post (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Digitized primary source materials drawn from more than 300 repositories documenting women's activism in social movements globally.
About Women and Social Movements, InternationalDigitized primary sources from the UK National Archives documenting women's suffrage in Britain and its colonies, accompanied by a finding aid to all women’s studies resources in the UK National Archives.
About Women in the National Archives (UK)Digitized primary sources that amplify the voices of women (primarily British) in the 18th-20th centuries.
About Women's StudiesDigitized primary sources documenting World War II and its aftermath in Europe and the Pacific.
About World War Two StudiesA shared catalog of library collections worldwide.
About WorldCatDigitized primary sources documenting global expositions.
About World’s Fairs: A Global History of Expositions