Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926

Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926

Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises is a collection of digitized legal treatises originally published in Great Britain and the United States from 1800 to 1926. It consists of 22,000 titles covering every area of the law, including commerce, labor, slavery, taxation, real property, intellectual property, criminal law, and constitutional law. It includes a wide variety of material types, such as casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches, and more. The authors include seminal thinkers such as William Blackstone, Oliver Wendell Holmes and Clarence Darrow, who guided the development of legal theory and practice in America and England.

For historic legal documents from the United States, please see Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, 1620-1970.

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