Academic Search Premier
*Best Bet for SubjectA multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
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A multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
About Academic Search PremierThousands of North American and international newspapers, plus hundreds of wire services and broadcast news transcripts.
About Access World NewsAbstracts and citations to scholarly literature in the behavioral sciences, psychology, and mental health, primarily dating from 1880s to present.
About APA PsycInfo (including PsycArticles)Digitized primary sources that document the history of RCA and radio and TV broadcasting.
About Broadcasting America: The Rise of Mass Media and CommunicationsAbstracts of articles and books published in the professional literature of the communication field.
About ComAbstractsArticles in the fields of communication and mass media dating from 1900 to the present.
About Communication & Mass Media CompleteDigitized collection of the Courier Post from 1881 to present (with some gaps). The Courier Post covers Camden and South Jersey.
About Courier Post (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)A multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
About EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier)Citations and abstracts for journal articles, books, research papers, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, dissertations, theses, and other materials in the field of education.
About ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterEthnographic videos from many regions of the world.
About Ethnographic Video Online(Open Access) Searches across a wide range of scholarly literature from academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and other scholarly websites.
About Google ScholarJournals, books, and primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
About JSTORCollection of digitized legal monographs published in Great Britain and the United States from 1800-1926.
About Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926Full access to, including all articles published from 1851 to the present. First-time users, please select “Create Account” to create an personal account.
About The New York TimesNewspapers from around the world, plus hundreds of newswires, news magazines, and television and radio transcripts.
About Newspaper Source PlusScholarly journals and ebooks in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
About Project MuseU.S. Congressional information and publications dating from 1789 to the present.
About ProQuest CongressionalSearch ProQuest Dissertations & Theses on the Web of Science platform, complete with citation indexing.
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (Web of Science)Database of dissertations and theses from institutions around the world, including records for international dissertations beginning in 1637 and U.S. dissertations beginning in 1861 (the year the first doctoral dissertation was accepted at a U.S. institution).
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses GlobalDigitized collection of the Courier Post from 1881 to present (with some gaps). The Courier Post covers Camden and South Jersey.
About ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Courier PostAbstracts and citations to scholarly literature in the behavioral sciences, psychology, and mental health, primarily dating from 1880s to present.
About PsycInfo (including PsycArticles)Streaming videos for business, social sciences, nursing, psychology, and other disciplines.
About Sage VideoAbstracts and citations of peer-reviewed literature covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
About ScopusScholarship in anthropology, criminology, economics, education, international relations, library science, linguistics, political science, public policy, social work, sociology, and more.
About Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest)An index of news broadcasts by national television networks, including ABC, CBS, Fox News, and NBC, with streaming video for NBC and CNN broadcasts.
About Vanderbilt Television News ArchiveCurrent digital edition of the Wall Street journal, a national daily newspaper publishing news, commentary, and analysis with an emphasis on business and financial news.
About The Wall Street JournalIndex of the world's leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
About Web of Science (Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science Citation Indexes)A collection of thousands of law, news, and business publications.
About Westlaw Campus Research