Vanderbilt Television News Archive

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Vanderbilt Television News Archive

Vanderbilt Television News Archive is an index of news broadcasts by national television networks, including ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, and NBC. It includes streaming video for NBC and CNN broadcasts. Its primary focus is national evening news broadcasts, but it also includes special news reports from these and other news networks. Special news reports cover major events in U.S. politics and history, including elections, political conventions, State of the Union Addresses, presidential speeches and news conferences, and more. Local news programs and news magazine programs (such as 60 Minutes and 20/20) are not included.

The collection is regularly updated with the latest broadcasts. Use the Broadcast Index link in the footer to view complete lists of all indexed broadcasts by month and year. In addition to keyword searching and browsing by date, the advanced search includes options to limit by network, date, reporter, and program type. Indexing and abstracts are at the story level for regular evening newscasts and at the report level for each special news report.

Digital loans of programs not available for streaming can be requested for a fee; all programs can be viewed for free in person by visiting the archive at Vanderbilt University. This database is the electronic counterpart and continuation of the print publication Television News Index and Abstracts.

Dates covered

August 5, 1968 - present.

Resource types
Vanderbilt University Television News Archive