Research Services in New Brunswick Libraries

New Brunswick Libraries provide special services to researchers (faculty, staff, students, and community members engaged in research) in the following areas, led by the experts listed.

Copyright Education

Janice T. Pilch, Copyright Education Librarian

  • Provides expertise in matters of copyright law and fair use.
  • Available for reference and instruction on intellectual property issues relating to research, scholarship, teaching, and other services.
  • Educates faculty, staff, and students about copyright, licensing and other intellectual property issues.

Digital Humanities

Francesca Giannetti in front of a bookshelf

Francesca Giannetti, Digital Humanities Librarian


Sue Oldenburg with a street map in the background

Susan Oldenburg, GIS Specialist

  • Provides consultations and support for GIS projects and data.
  • Offers workshops and in-class instruction for GIS data, tools and applications.
  • For more information visit the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) research guide.

Graduate & Faculty Services

Kayo Denda, at left, and Triveni Kuchi, at right

Kayo Denda, Head, Margery Somers Foster Center & Librarian for Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies and
Triveni Kuchi, Social Sciences/Instructional Services Librarian

  • Co-chair New Brunswick Libraries’ Celebration of Scholarship event.
  • Collaborate with the Graduate Writing Program, including the Graduate Research Symposium.
  • Plan and participate in graduate student and faculty orientations.
  • Participate as Advisory Board members of Graduate Student Life.
  • Offer dissertation workshops in collaboration with School of Graduate Studies.
  • Host and promote workshops of interest to faculty and graduate students.


Tom Glynn

Tom Glynn, British and American History Librarian

  • Provides support in making full use of the HathiTrust Digital Library. Hathi is the largest repository of digital texts available.
  • Thanks to Rutgers’ membership in HathiTrust, Rutgers researchers may take advantage of advanced features, including creating and sharing personal collections of texts.

Intensive Literature Review Assistant (ILRA) Program

Tao Yang, East Asian Librarian and
Triveni Kuchi, Social Sciences/Instructional Services Librarian

  • This program is a collaboration with the School of Communication & Information (SC&I) Associate Dean for Research, New Brunswick Libraries leadership, and librarians.
  • SC&I funds students who can provide assistance by developing intensive literature reviews to support the development of SC&I faculty research projects.
  • Librarians hire and provide supervision and mentoring for ILRAs .
  • Librarians train and guide ILRAs in developing search skills, database knowledge, and citation management skills.

Research Data Management

Laura Palumbo

Laura Palumbo, Chemistry & Physics Librarian/Science Data Specialist

  • Individual consultations and webinars on Data Management Plans for grant proposals for funding agencies.
  • Provides classroom and lab instruction on data management plans and practices.
  • Guidance on data repositories, access to and preservation of research data.
  • For more information visit the Research Data Services page.

Research Metrics & Impact

Mei Ling Lo

Mei Ling Lo, Science Research Librarian

  • Locates research metrics such as H-index, journal impact factor, and CiteScore.
  • Conducts citation analysis by author and institute.
  • Offers workshops on citation analysis and utilizing discovery tools to create citation report, and construct the visualization of citation networks.
  • Provides in-depth consultation on citation management software such as EndNote to create citation counts.

Statistical Data

Ryan Womack

Ryan Womack, Data Librarian

  • Offers workshops and consultations on finding data sources (such as ICPSR, Census, and IPUMS), using statistical software for data analysis and visualization (such as R and Python), and advice and resources on data issues such as reproducibility and data sharing.
  • For more information visit the Data Services or Data Science research guide.

Systematic Reviews

Julia Maxwell, Social Sciences Librarian

  • Consults on evidence synthesis projects in the social sciences, including scoping reviews, systematic reviews, and literature reviews.
  • Supports crafting and translating complex database searches that serve as the basis for a systematic or scoping review.
  • Provides guidance on starting, scoping, and choosing evidence synthesis methods based on research resources and objectives.
  • For more information, see the Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences Research Guide.

Researchers may also want to consult with a Subject Specialist or take a look at our numerous topical Research Guides.