North Wing (NW) - The north wing is at the back of the building, closer to George Street. It includes the Digital Learning Commons space (formerly the Reference Reading Room), the majority of the book stacks, and Special Collections and University Archives. The wing is composed of the Basement Level and Levels 1, 2A, 2B, and 3. It connects to the South Wing on the Basement Level as well as on Levels 1 and 3.
South Wing (SW) - The south wing is at the front of the building, closer to College Avenue. The wing includes Access Services, the Graduate and Undergraduate Reading Rooms, the East Asian Library, and the Hatchery space (formerly the Microforms Reading Room). The wing is composed of the Basement Level and Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. It connects to the North Wing on the Basement Level as well as on Levels 1 and 3.
- 038: NW-B, study space in the open area at the front of bound periodicals (Room 038)
- 156: SW-1, Special Collections Reading Room (adjacent to the Ugrad Reading Room) (Room 156)
- Access Services: SW-1
- Alexander Library Administration: NW-1, at the rear of the Digital Learning Commons space (formerly the Reference Reading Room)
- Aresty Research Center: NW-1, adjacent to the government documents collections (Suite 144-146)
- Books: NW-1, 2A, 2B, & 3; also SW-2 in the East Asian Library
- Cafe: SW-B
- Case Room: NW-B, in Special Collections & University Archives
- Central Libraries Administration: SW-3
- Circulation: SW-1
- Computer Lab (OIT - NetID/Student): NW-1, in the Digital Learning Commons
- Computers (Public/Guest): NW-1, adjacent to the government documents collections
- Copy Cards: NW-1, adjacent to the government documents collections
- Copy Machines: SW-1, in the Ugrad Reading Room
- Digital Humanities Lab: SW-4
- Digital Learning Commons: NW-1, (formerly the Reference Reading Room)
- East Asian Library: SW-2
- Government Documents: NW-1, see separate map
- Graduate Reading Room: SW-3
- Graduate Reserve: SW-3, in the Graduate Reading Room
- Graduate Resources Center (Room 342): SW-3, adjacent to the Graduate Reading Room
- Group Study Rooms: NW-3 and SW-3 (in the Graduate Reading Room)
- Hatchery: SW-B
- Heyer Room: SW-4, accessible only through the staff area
- Hughes Room: SW-1
- Information Handling Labs (IHLs) 413 & 415: SW-4
- JetStream (Room 404): SW-4
- Journals/Periodicals: NW-B and by call number on NW-1, 2A, 2B, & 3
- Lactation Room: NW-3, Room 311 (near the elevators; request key at Circulation Desk)
- Librarians' offices: NW-1, inside Alexander Administration at the rear of the Digital Learning Commons space (formerly the Reference Reading Room)
- Libraries Central Administration: SW-3
- McDonnell Room: SW-2
- Microforms: SW-B, adjacent to the bound periodicals
- NetID/Student Computers: NW-1, in the Digital Learning Commons
- One Button Studio: NW-1, in the Digital Learning Commons
- Pane Room: SW-1
- Periodicals/Journals: NW-B and by call number on NW-1, 2A, 2B, & 3
- Printer, Color: NW-1, adjacent to the government documents collections
- Printers (NetID/Student): NW-1, in the Digital Learning Commons
- Printers (Public/Guest): NW-1, adjacent to the government documents collections
- Public/Guest Computers: NW-1, adjacent to the government documents collections
- Quiet Areas: NW-2A & 2B
- Reference Collection: NW-1 (Reference A - KF154) adjacent to the government documents collection, see separate map; also NW-3 (Reference KF156 - End), to the left of the stairs
- Restrooms: All floors, near the elevators
- Scanners: SW-1, in the Ugrad Reading Room and SW-3 in the Graduate Reading Room
- Scarlet Latte: SW-B
- Special Collections & University Archives: NW-B
- Special Collections & University Archives Reading Room: SW-1, Room 156 (adjacent to the Ugrad Reading Room)
- Tanner Room: SW-1
- Teleconference Lecture Hall (TLH): SW-4
- Undergraduate Reading Room: SW-1
- Undergraduate Reserve: SW-1, at the Circulation Desk
- University Archives: NW-B
- University Librarian's Conference Room: SW-3, in Central Administration
- Vending Machines: SW-B (in the Scarlet Latte Cafe)