Research Data Services

Research data management refers to planning, organizing, sharing, and preserving the data and documentation used to generate published research output. Increasingly, federal agencies and other granting bodies are requiring data management plans that address these topics, so that the products of funded research are publicly available for reuse. 

At Rutgers–Camden 

Please contact a subject librarian in Camden with questions regarding data services. The liaison librarian may refer you to workshops, services and resources, including those within Rutgers University Libraries listed here.  

At the Health Sciences Libraries 

The RBHS Librarians can provide: 

Contact us at

At Rutgers–Newark 

The Dana Library Data Services provide: 

  • Consultations for data collection.
  • Identifying a repository that fits your researching needs.
  • Workshops on data visualization and statistical applications.
  • Qualitative data analysis workshops specifically for NVivo. 

If you have any questions, please contact   

At Rutgers–New Brunswick 

The Rutgers-New Brunswick Libraries Data Team can provide:  

  • Data Management Plan consultations
  • Customized workshops on topics such as data analysis, data management, data visualization
  • Best practices for sharing, securing, and preserving your data
  • Guidance on a repository for your research data 

Learn more about the data services available in New Brunswick.