Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance

Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance

Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance is a collection of materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). The platform contains databases, books, and journals. Rutgers subscribes to the following databases on this platform:

  • Iter Italicum— This is the electronic version of Paul Oskar Kristeller’s Iter Italicum: A Finding List of Uncatalogued or Incompletely Catalogued Humanistic Manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other Libraries. It is the most comprehensive finding list available of previously uncataloged or incompletely cataloged Renaissance humanistic manuscripts found in libraries and collections all over the world. Originally published in six print volumes between 1963 and 1992, it is an essential tool for any scholar working in the fields of classical, medieval, and Renaissance studies.

Rutgers also can access the open access databases listed on Iter, including French Renaissance Paleography, Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons, Romeo and Juliet: Searchable Database for Prompt Books, and The Electronic Capito Project (which consists of letters to and from Wolfgang Capito).

On the Iter platform, Rutgers also has access to some books and journals. There are other books and journals hosted on this platform which Rutgers cannot access; for these, it is only possible to view citations, abstracts, and tables of contents. 

Iter Bibliography is located on a separate platform; to access it, please use Iter Bibliography

Dates covered

Primary sources dating from 400 – 1700; secondary sources written from 18th century – present.

Iter: Gateway to the Renaissance