A digital image library in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.
About ArtstorAll The World's Primates is experiencing off-campus access problems.
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A digital image library in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.
About ArtstorContains indexing, tables of contents, and abstracts for over 10,000 current scholarly journals.
About Current Contents Connect(Open Access) Image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts.
About Digital ScriptoriumOver 70,000 letters and documents of British, American, French, German, and other Enlightenment figures.
About Electronic EnlightenmentMajor national and regional newspapers, magazines, and other publications, plus company/market information.
About FactivaScholarly articles and industry news on topics related to film and television.
About Film & Television Literature IndexBiographies, bibliographies, and critical analysis of authors and their works from every age and literary discipline.
About Gale Literature Resource CenterBrief biographies of authors from the United States and the rest of the world.
About Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors(Open Access) A collection of books, consisting mostly of works in the public domain, digitized by libraries around the world.
About HathiTrust Digital LibraryCovers the history of the world from 1450 to the present, excluding the United States and Canada.
About Historical AbstractsCitations to articles covering a wide range of humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary fields.
About Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)Citations to research in the humanities published from 1907 to 1984.
About Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)Index of scholarship on all subjects relating to the Middle Ages (400-1500 AD) in the geographical areas of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
About International Medieval BibliographyIndex of secondary sources on the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
About Iter BibliographyA collection of materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700).
About Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages & RenaissanceJournals, books, and primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
About JSTORStreaming video library that includes documentaries, independent and foreign films, classics, and feature films.
About KanopyOver 11,000 Latin works and diplomatic charters dating from ancient times to the 20th century.
About Library of Latin Texts (LLT)Collection of over 355,000 literary works, accompanied by a vast library of key criticism and reference resources.
About Literature Online (LION)Primary source material describing real and fictitious travel in the Middle Ages.
About Medieval Travel WritingAccess full-length Metropolitan Opera performances, including videos from the Met’s Live in HD series of movie theater transmissions, telecasts from the 1970s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, and radio broadcasts dating back to 1935.
About Met Opera On Demand: Student AccessCritical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, folklore, and film.
About MLA International BibliographyPrimary source materials related to 19th century (primarily British and American) history.
About Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineAnnotated bibliographies on Medieval studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Medieval StudiesAnnotated bibliographies on Renaissance and Reformation studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Renaissance & Reformation(Open Access) Digital texts and images covering the history, literature, and culture of the Greco-Roman world, plus additional historical materials from other periods and locations.
About Perseus Digital LibraryIndex of scholarship in philosophy and related fields. Covers all areas of philosophy as well as the philosophies of education, history, language, religion, and science.
About Philosopher's IndexIndex of plays written from Antiquity to the present.
About Play Index (H.W. Wilson)Scholarly journals and ebooks in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
About Project MuseSearch ProQuest Dissertations & Theses on the Web of Science platform, complete with citation indexing.
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (Web of Science)Database of dissertations and theses from institutions around the world, including records for international dissertations beginning in 1637 and U.S. dissertations beginning in 1861 (the year the first doctoral dissertation was accepted at a U.S. institution).
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses GlobalRutgers dissertations and theses accepted from the 19th century through last semester.
About ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Rutgers UniversityDigitized newspapers originally produced by members of various services branches on both sides of the conflict.
About Service Newspapers of World War IIStreaming video library with feature films and documentaries.
About Swank Digital CampusEbooks and ejournals from over 180 academic publishers from Italy, Spain, France and Portugal.
About TorrossaAn index of scholarship in women's studies and feminist research.
About Women's Studies International