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Searches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM ExplorerSearches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM SearchDatabase for classical studies and information on Ancient Greece and Rome.
About L'Année PhilologiqueElectronic version of the Aristoteles Latinus series, plus additional Latin translations used in the Middle Ages for the study of Aristotle.
About Aristoteles Latinus Database (ALD)English Bible translations primarily dating from the Medieval and Renaissance periods.
About The Bible in EnglishIncludes biographical information on persons from Europe and the Middle East prominent in politics, literature, religion, art, and other fields during the Medieval period.
About Biographical Archive of the Middle AgesIncludes significant reference works in medieval studies, including Brill's Encyclopaedia of the Middle Ages.
About Brill’s Medieval Reference LibraryContains more than 800 French literary works, narratives, poems, and plays from the 9th through the 15th centuries.
About Corpus de la Littérature MédiévaleContains more than 1,000 French narrative works that date from the Middle Ages (Moyen Âge) to the 20th century.
About Corpus de la littérature narrative du Moyen Age au 20e siècleSearches across over twenty dictionaries of the Latin language (including Latin-English and Latin-French dictionaries) for ancient, medieval, or modern Latin and for selected subjects.
About Database of Latin DictionariesDictionary of the English language as used from 600-1150 A.D.
About Dictionary of Old EnglishContains at least one copy of every surviving Old English text.
About Dictionary of Old English Web Corpus(Open Access) Image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts.
About Digital Scriptorium(Open Access) Archive of early Christian and Medieval art, featuring an index of iconographic themes and many images.
About The Index of Medieval ArtIndex of scholarship on all subjects relating to the Middle Ages (400-1500 AD) in the geographical areas of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
About International Medieval BibliographyIndex of secondary sources on the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
About Iter BibliographyA collection of materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700).
About Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages & RenaissanceOver 11,000 Latin works and diplomatic charters dating from ancient times to the 20th century.
About Library of Latin Texts (LLT)Digitized manuscripts dating from the 12th to early 18th centuries.
About Medieval and Early Modern StudiesThe collected papers of five major families from the late medieval England period: Paston, Stonor, Cely, Plumpton, and Armburgh.
About Medieval Family LifePrimary source material describing real and fictitious travel in the Middle Ages.
About Medieval Travel Writing(Open Access) Includes Middle English Dictionary, Bibliography of Middle English, and Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.
About Middle English CompendiumElectronic version of the critical edition Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
About Monumenta Germaniae Historica (eMGH)Encyclopedia of the ancient world.
About New PaulyAnnotated bibliographies on Medieval studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Medieval StudiesAnnotated bibliographies on Renaissance and Reformation studies.
About Oxford Bibliographies Online: Renaissance & Reformation(Open Access) Handwritten books from the sixth through the sixteenth centuries written mostly in Latin, Anglo-Saxon, or English.
About Parker Library on the WebOfficial records of the sessions of the medieval English parliament.
About Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275-1504Electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina and the four volumes of indexes. Includes the works of the Church Fathers who wrote in Latin, dating from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216.
About Patrologia LatinaElectronic version of the ongoing Patrologia Orientalis series, which aims to eventually include all the works of the Church Fathers of the Christian East.
About Patrologia OrientalisElectronic version of Jacques-Paul Migne's The Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca. Includes the works of the Church Fathers who wrote in Greek, dating from the 1st century through the Council of Florence in 1439.
About Patrologiæ GræcæElectronic version of the ongoing Sources Chrétiennes series, which consists of critical editions of texts from the first 1400 years of the Christian Church.
About Sources Chrétiennes OnlineThe most authoritative dictionary of ancient Latin, covering texts from the classical period through 600 A.D.
About Thesaurus Linguae LatinaeMajor historic texts dating from from 300 to 800 A.D. translated into English.
About Translated Texts for Historians E-Library