Most of our physical books and journals are eligible for partial scanning within copyright fair use limits. If you need a book chapter or article from one of these print materials follow the steps below!
Most of our physical books and journals are eligible for partial scanning within copyright fair use limits. If you need a book chapter or article from one of these print materials follow the steps below!
The quickest way to have an item delivered to you is to find it in QuickSearch. To ensure all your request options are available, please be sure to sign in. Articles and book chapters are delivered electronically. Any physical materials that are available can be picked up at any campus library. View steps on how to borrow physical materials on Request Pickup of Library Materials.
If the item is eligible for partial scanning, it will display a Digitization button. Add the chapter or article information to the form in QuickSearch and submit the digitization request.
You'll receive an email with the scanned article or chapter attached.
A worldwide search for the hardest-to-locate items.
If the item you desire is not available in QuickSearch, try searching and requesting via ILLiad. Log into ILLiad directly and complete a request form (first-time users will need to register).
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the reproduction of copyrighted materials. If your request represents a portion of the material that can't be scanned under fair use, you'll receive an email with instructions for requesting the full text item or resubmitting for a smaller portion of the material. Please see the library copyright guidelines for more information.