Study Room Policies at Dana Library

Dana Library offers three individual study rooms and six group study rooms. 

Learn more about available study rooms and book a space

Who can reserve

At this time, only current Rutgers users/patrons with a valid Rutgers NetID may reserve rooms for study using the reservation system. You will receive an email confirming your reservation at the account associated with your Rutgers NetID.

Reservation length

A study room may be booked for 4 hours per day in 30-minute increments. You may use a total of 4 hours maximum in a period that covers 5 days prior to and after the current date.

How to access this space

Bring your Rutgers ID to the Circulation Desk to pick up the room key.

Late arrivals

There is a 15-minute grace period attached to your reservation. If your group does not arrive within the grace period, the reservation may be void and the room may become openly available.

Technology & equipment lending

Rutgers students, faculty, and staff can borrow laptops from the Laptop Kiosk in the Dana Library lobby. Calculators, dry erase markers and portable DVD players may be requested at the Circulation Desk.