Open Educational Resources - Ancillary Materials

One Search Tool (via George Mason University)

The Metafinder
A one-stop search of major OER repositories, including OER Commons, OpenStax, and BC Commons.


Merlot II
An initiative of the California State University system, Merlot is a free, peer-reviewed collection of educational materials, including course assignments.

Affordable Learning Solutions
Affordable Learning Solutions is a program of the California State University system partnering with higher education institutions, professional societies, and industry.

Subject Specific

ChemCollective (Chemistry)
Developed by Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Chemistry, ChemCollective contains resources for teaching and learning chemistry at the undergraduate level. This includes virtual labs, tutorials, simulations, and more.

Harvard University Library Open Collections (History)
Provides access to historical resources from the university’s libraries, archives, and museums.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.

PhET (Physics)
This resource from the University of Colorado Boulder provides free interactive math and science simulations.

Psychology Open Educational Resources Guide
This subject research guide serves as a roadmap to the psychology resources available at the Rutgers University Libraries.

Other resources

Course Reserves 
Librarian Subject Specialist Directory