Open Textbook Library
This resource, which is supported by the Open Textbook Network and headquartered at the University of Minnesota, provides one of the largest collections of open texts in a variety of disciplines, subjects, and levels.
Offers free, peer-reviewed textbooks in a select number of disciplines. All textbook content is under a Creative Commons attribution license, allowing for editing and customization.
Milne Open Textbooks
A publishing initiative from the State University of New York system, this collection includes around 26 titles (more forthcoming) of college-level textbook materials in the areas of nursing, education, mathematics, and more.
Subject Specific
American Institute of Mathematics
The American Institute of Mathematics has provided a list of open access textbooks that have been vetted by the organization’s editorial board.
Green Tea Press (Computer Science)
A collection of free textbooks written by Allen B. Downey, a professor of computer science at the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering.
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.
Not finding a suitable open text?
You may consider an affordable alternative, available from the Rutgers University Libraries e-book collections. These collections are accessible by Rutgers affiliates only.