Academic Search Premier
*Best Bet for SubjectA multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
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A multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
About Academic Search PremierVideos in a broad range of subject areas from over 1,500 leading distributors, producers, and filmmakers.
About Academic Video Online (AVON)Thousands of North American and international newspapers, plus hundreds of wire services and broadcast news transcripts.
About Access World NewsSearches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM ExplorerSearches across all of Rutgers' primary source collections from AM (Adam Matthew).
About AM SearchJournal articles, reports, and commentaries in the fields of anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, and material culture.
About Anthropology PlusPrimary sources documenting, from a Western perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of China from the 18th through 20th centuries.
About Area Studies: China and Southeast AsiaPrimary sources documenting, from a Western perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of Japan from the 1400s to the 20th century.
About Area Studies: JapanReports, working paper series, and journals covering business, economic, government, political, and social issues related to the nations of Asia-Pacific.
About Asia-Studies Full-Text OnlineNarrative films, documentaries, and short films by independent Asian filmmakers depicting contemporary Asian culture and society.
About Asian Film OnlineA major multi-disciplinary index for the study of East, Southeast, and South Asia, especially in the humanities and social sciences.
About Bibliography of Asian StudiesBooks in the Cambridge Histories series on subjects ranging across the humanities, social sciences, and the arts.
About Cambridge HistoriesA collection of Chinese scholarly journals. Rutgers can access the journals in the areas of literature, history, and philosophy.
About China Academic JournalsOfficial statistics on the population and economy of China.
About China Data OnlineDigitized primary sources depicting, from a primarily Western perspective, trade and cultural exchange with China from the 18th through the 20th centuries.
About China, America and the Pacific: Trade & Cultural ExchangeDigitized English-language pamphlets dating from 1750-1929 depicting, from a primarily Western perspective, the history and culture of China.
About China: Culture and SocietyDigitized primary sources depicting, from a primarily Western perspective, trade and cultural exchange with China from the 18th through the 20th centuries.
About China: Trade, Politics & CultureDigitized files of the British Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) regarding Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
About Conflict in Indochina: Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1959-1979Digitized archives of the London administration of the East India Company and the pre-1947 government of India.
About East India CompanyA multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.
About EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier)Extensive information about the world’s 7000 living languages, which can be browsed by country, language name, and language family.
About Ethnologue: Languages of the WorldA shared catalog of library collections worldwide.
About FirstSearchDigitized files from the British Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) regarding China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
About Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980Digitized files from the British Foreign Office regarding Japan.
About Foreign Office Files for Japan, 1919 -1952Digitized historical news sources from around the world.
About Global Press Archive(Open Access) Searches across a wide range of scholarly literature from academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and other scholarly websites.
About Google ScholarCollection of traditional Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history.
About Hanji dianzi wenxianCovers the history of the world from 1450 to the present, excluding the United States and Canada.
About Historical AbstractsJournals, books, and primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
About JSTORA collection academic journals from South Korea, searchable in English or Korean.
About KCI – Korean Journal DatabaseCovers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
About Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)Scholarship and research in all aspects of the study of language.
About Linguistics Collection (ProQuest)Digitized primary sources from the Edward Sylvester Morse Collection at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts. Morse, who taught science at the University of Tokyo in the late 19th century, was one of the first Americans to live in Japan, and he strove to document life in Japan.
About Meiji JapanA digitized collection of primary sources from a global range of Christian missions, churches, and denominations produced throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
About Missionary StudiesCritical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, folklore, and film.
About MLA International BibliographyOver 2,000 Chinese journals in the social sciences and humanities and over 20,000 Chinese rare books.
About National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation (China)Over 2,000 Chinese journals in the social sciences and humanities and over 20,000 Chinese rare books.
About National Social Sciences Database (China)Scholarly journals and ebooks in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
About Project MuseDigitized primary sources covering refugee crises, forced migrations, relief efforts, and resettlement after World War II.
About Refugees, Relief, and ResettlementCollection of traditional Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history.
About Scripta SinicaFull text of Sibu Congkan, an important collection of pre-modern Chinese books.
About Sibu CongkanScholarship in anthropology, criminology, economics, education, international relations, library science, linguistics, political science, public policy, social work, sociology, and more.
About Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest)Digitized films originally produced in Communist countries during the 20th century.
About Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International PropagandaDigitized primary sources covering the history of the modern Olympic and Paralympic games from 1896 to 1992.
About The Olympic Movement: Sport, Global Politics and IdentityDigitized primary source materials drawn from more than 300 repositories documenting women's activism in social movements globally.
About Women and Social Movements, InternationalIndex to biographical articles collected from many different sources in the K.G. Saur microfiche collections.
About World Biographical Information SystemA shared catalog of library collections worldwide.
About WorldCat