New Databases

We're constantly working to expand our collections to meet your research and teaching needs. Here are the databases and other online collections acquired over the past 18 months. Please also check out the databases we are considering for purchase.

March 2025

Europa World of Learning
Directory of over 40,000 global institutions of higher education and learning.

Policy Citation Index
Index of published policy reports from government organizations, think tanks, and other non-government organizations.

February 2025

The Bible in English
English Bible translations primarily dating from the Medieval and Renaissance periods.

MarketScope Advisor
Investment analysis database produced by CFRA, an independent global financial intelligence service. 

January 2025

A tool for creating and collaborating on systematic reviews.

Short Story Index (H.W. Wilson)
An index of over 150,000 short stories published from the 1980s to the present. 

Weiss Ratings: Mutual Funds
Mutual funds ratings produced by the independent financial ratings agency Weiss Ratings.

December 2024

American Committee on Africa
Digitized primary sources documenting the work of the American Committee on Africa (ACOA) from 1953 through 1981.

Trade in Early Modern London
Digitized court records and financial accounts from London livery companies from c. 1450 - 1750.

November 2024

GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network)
Infectious disease, epidemiology, and microbiology information.

A tool for choosing a medical journal or congress in which to publish or present.

October 2024

The Olympic Movement: Sport, Global Politics and Identity
Digitized primary sources covering the history of the modern Olympic and Paralympic games from 1896 - 1992.

September 2024

Mexico in History: Colonialism to Revolution 
Digitized primary sources covering Mexican history from c.1500 - 1929.

Technology and business books, audiobooks, videos, and more from over 200 publishers.

August 2024

History Commons
Digitized historical and cultural materials from the United States, including African American newspapers, New Jersey county histories, American women's publications, and early newspapers such as the Pennsylvania Gazette.

July 2024

NCBI Datasets
Gene sequence data and metadata, including gene, genome, and taxonomy indexes.

June 2024

Benchmarking & analytics tool that combines data from Clarivate's Web of Science, Essential Science Indicators, Journal Citation Reports and Institutional Profiles.

Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement 
Digitized primary sources covering refugee crises, forced migrations, relief efforts, and resettlement after World War II. 

Sage Business
Business cases, theories, and applications.

Sage Campus
Self-paced courses covering the research and publication processes.

Sage Skills
Business skills and student success learning modules.

Sage Video
Streaming videos for business, social sciences, nursing, psychology, and other disciplines.

Question banks for Nurse Practitioner and NCLEX-RN/PN exams. 

Adam Matthew Primary Source Databases

AM Research Skills 
Videos, essays, case studies, and practice sources introducing the key methods and approaches that scholars take when working with historical materials.

1980s Culture and Society
Digitized primary sources illustrating 1980s social, cultural, and political concerns.

Africa and the New Imperialism: European Borders on the African Continent, 1870-1914
Digitized primary sources documenting European colonization across Africa.

Amnesty International Archives: A Global Movement for Human Rights
Digitized records of Amnesty International from 1961-1991.

Area Studies: China and Southeast Asia
Primary sources documenting, from a Western perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of China from the 18th through 20th centuries.

Area Studies: India
Digitized primary sources documenting, primarily from a British colonial perspective, the political, social, and cultural history of India from 1712 to 1942.

British Newsreels, 1911-1930: Culture and Society on Film
Digitized silent newsreels covering British and international news.

Business, Economic and Labour History
Digitized primary sources from Britain and America covering 19th and 20th century topics, including Keynesian economic policy in Britain and the papers of major economists.

Church Missionary Society Archive
Digitized records of the Church Missionary Society and related organizations.

Conflict in Indochina: Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1959-1979 
Digitized files of the British Foreign Office (later the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) regarding Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

Empire Studies 
Digitized primary sources documenting the British Empire and colonialism.

Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-making 
Video interviews, on-set footage, photographs, and film posters documenting the history of Bollywood cinema.

Literary Studies 
Digitized literary manuscripts, rare printed works, and personal papers of leading British and American literary figures of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Medieval and Early Modern Studies 
Digitized manuscripts dating from the 12th to early 18th centuries.

Royal Shakespeare Company Archives: From Playwrights to Performance 
Digitized archives of the Royal Shakespeare Company, including prompt books and selected production materials.

The Transformation of Shopping 
Digitized primary source materials illustrating the sociocultural history of department stores.

Women's Studies 
Digitized primary sources that amplify the voices of women (primarily British) in the 18th-20th centuries.

Women's Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968 
Digitized diaries and oral histories that reveal the lives and experiences of lesser-known women of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

World War Two Studies 
Digitized primary sources documenting WWII and its aftermath in Europe and the Pacific.

May 2024

South Asia Commons
Platform for discovering South Asian historical and cultural materials held by organizations around the world.

March 2024

Grants Index (Web of Science)
Browse previously awarded grants from public and private funding agencies around the world.

February 2024

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (Web of Science)
Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses on the Web of Science platform, complete with citation indexing. 

January 2024

Genealogical database with government records, census data, and auxiliary resources for family history research.

ProQuest Legislative Insight
Documents created by the U.S Congress in the course of Congressional lawmaking.

November 2023

Gale Digital Scholar Lab
Digital scholarship tool for analyzing documents from Gale primary source collections.

September 2023

Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movements
Open Access collection of digitized primary sources focusing on civil rights activism.